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Posts posted by Kaana

  1. Looking at what your ul says, I'd say get a side account. You're going to need to find a place also for the Woodland Grundo, and your other secondary dream pets.


    Also, I would personally save for the maractite pb first - your hardest goal is then over. But that's my personal opinion.

  2. Anime, you share my OTPs :3


    If an Heir becomes their Aspect, that has strange implications for Mituna - how does one become Doom?


    On the Alpha kids - I can't help feeling they're not as close as the Beta kids, but maybe that's just all the relationship angst getting in the way :P

  3. 1. How long has your friend been a pastor for? From my experiences in church, it seems like it is incredibly intimidating to step up to the role of pastor, and she may be feeling insecure in her relationship with God. In an attempt to become what she might feel she "has to be", she might be over doing the bible verses and talking about church, as well as to reassure herself that she's close enough to God.


    2. Have you ever actually gone to her church? I'm not suggesting you go regularly, but certainly if you've gone at least once, you can tell her that, no, it is not in fact your thing, you've been, you know.


    3. Argue with her. You sound like you're letting yourself be a bit of a door mat in order to not hurt her feelings. It's not healthy for your relationship.

  4. Anyone got any ideas how much "Irregulation Chainmail" would be worth?


    I would say they have a high likelihood of being worth a large amount, being an item from so long ago, and the product of a physical item. If your gut is telling you that's not right, ask around on the Trade/Auction Chat - they're a pretty nice bunch.


    I was wondering how much Lab Map Piece 1 is worth.


    It's been rapidly deflating lately - I'm guessing KeyQuest is no longer on seasonal prizes, so there's more in circulation. Anyway, if I were you, I'd hold onto it till they went up again. If you're set on selling now, ask for about 600k, but keep an eye on prices.

  5. So you wouldn't much care for my "save save save and don't even look at anything remotely interesting ever ever ever"?


    Well, I like to have my goal very clearly in mind first, like I said - I know I want this, it costs that much, so I'll save that much. I do like to have at least 100k in the bank always, though, and I know I've got points tied up in stocks and investment items if I'm really desperate. Maybe when I have all my pets sorted I'll become a "just save and save and save and save" person.

  6. I think that applies to any relationship where the other person doesn't play neopets - at the end of the day I'll tell my mum if anything exciting's happened to me on neopets that day, and she'll tell me about her work and we can both appreciate the other cares a lot about what they're saying, even if half the words don't make sense.


    Mention it. It's important to you. Whether he gets it or joins up or doesn't, it shouldn't feel like a secret you have to keep.

  7. You bring up a good point. It is probably a good idea to save. I just really want the faerie meerca in my profile picture. ^^ Is so cute. But when I got the baby pb I found myself quite disappointed. I was just happy to have finally afforded a paintbrush I guess.


    I just hope I can force myself to save. I know it will be much better in the long-run. Just sucks in the meantime. Thanks for your reply! <3


    Well I didn't so much mean "save and save and save and DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THAT COOL THING YOU WANT YOU ARE SAVING!!!", but maybe just figure out whether you're shooting for that faerie meerca first or the lab map. Neopoints are made to be spent, but I find I'm much happier with a purchase when I know that I've been working towards that thing, as opposed to "maybe this or that".

  8. Just to be clear, are we debating about whether religion fundamentally is wrong, or the way people's interpretations of religion has negatively affected society?


    Would you consider the pope a nutjob then? He has influence over so many people, telling them not to use contraception, thing of the physical and mental effects of that and the sheer damage it's done.

    I think that any one mortal being having that degree of influence has the potential to be extremely damaging - whether it's a religious, political or any other kind of context. It's the individual's job to make sure they're not abusing that influence, which is unfortunately not always the case - but to me, that's people using religion as an excuse to be corrupt, as opposed to the source of corruption. (From what I gather, the pope seems pretty powerless. I remember reading in the paper he was for contraception for a while (admittedly only in certain circumstances), and basically got told he couldn't have that opinion. Again, people using religion as an excuse.)


    (Mrh, I have lots of other thoughts on the bible and other stuff mentioned, but too tired right now)

  9. Obviously if you're religious, you believe it's done more good than evil, because it's the difference between the world existing in the first place and not :P


    There are nut jobs in any group of people. The number of people who have done admirable, world-changing things because of religion far outweighs the people who use it as an excuse for anything immoral.

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