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Naamah D.

Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Naamah D.

  1. Getting an XBOX 360 for my b-day next month:)

  2. My first-ever pet are I are reunited! Haha, love you Dizz


    1. khaos



  4. I want a Korbat for my 5th pet....tell me, what pet are you getting Premium users?

  5. Hi, is Meowth your favorite Pokemon?

    1. Meowth


      Yes! I love Meowth and Espeon.

      Also Pikachu and Eevee.

    2. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      I like Espeon, too! What Pokemon games do you have?

  6. Might be getting some new shirts this week! TACO KITTY!!!!!!!

  7. La da la da buh buh la la la......

  8. YAY! A friend of the family got me snaaaackkssss!!!!

  9. Anyone see the new MLP wedding episode?

    1. flyingeevee


      Saw it. LOVED IT! :D

  10. I need to go food shopping for the pets on my main, what should I buy

  11. Happy Birthday!!!!

  12. 20 Chombies on Lost Quiggle today. I really hope they all get good homes.

  13. I have a question for you, how many pets do you have?

    1. Lady Lyuba

      Lady Lyuba

      I have 17 in all, 7 female, 10 male.

  14. Adopted a Cloud Xwee!

  15. My Tuskaninny, taxe_tenny has a new look!!!

  16. Bacon cheeseburgers for dinner tonight, hence the new name!

  17. Bought some new NC clothes for my side account pets. You all should see Chuckalah's outfit!

    1. hrtbrk


      She looks awesome

      Also your yurble <3

    2. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      Thanks! I love Yurbles!

  18. Today is my 1 year anniversary on TDNF!!!!!

    1. hrtbrk


      Happy Anniversary! :D

    2. Naamah D.
  19. Pish-Posh, Apple-Sauce, Fish-Squish, Random-Ness

  20. Naamah's got swagg, yo!

  21. "The more bleak the day, the less I'll behave as if everything black can wash away...."

  22. Another 69 Eyes fan!!!! Is it safe to say I love you now?

    1. Airotia


      YES. YES IT IS. The feeling is mutual! :D

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