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Naamah D.

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Status Updates posted by Naamah D.

  1. Scores Galore! Scores Galore! Party time! Excellent! :D

  2. Booking my side account pets into the NeoLodge. I'm going away and I don't think I'll be able to take my laptop :(

  3. Yes! Hannish got his Dystopic Flotsam Hoodie and I'm now broke.

  4. Thank you for liking my Xweetok! I tried to make her look like succubus esque.

    1. jtnvinh


      Looks awesome already. I don't know what colour you'd paint her, but let me know when you decide !

  5. Is your username and Blood+ reference?

    1. -Kai-


      Not really, but I like that anime :P and the OST OMG!! XD

  6. I've searched high and low for the new Flotsam clothes. I can't find them...:(

  7. Confession of the Day: I find some country music addicting.

  8. Confession of the Day: I think putting "ain't" in the dictionary was a great idea.

  9. Confession of the Day: I hate chocolate milk.

  10. Confession of the Day: I think Zhu Zhu pets are cute and would gladly play the video games.

  11. It's amazing how much NP I can spend in one day.

  12. I love your new screen name :D It reminds me of sparkly things!

  13. Bloodhound Gang is so gross but they are such geniuses :)

  14. I'm so addicted to Dot Dot Curve.

  15. I see you play Nintendogs...finally I don't feel like an outcast! I love Nintendogs <3 Nobody I know plays :D

  16. My screen name is pronounced "Chemical" just so you know :)

  17. I'm starting to like music in other languages more than mine.

  18. Too much birthday cake.Soon to be limited internet time.Sore from surgery.And yeah :(

  19. I hate being sick >.<

  20. Just spent 99,999 on some earrings for Morygyan. That's more expensive than when I got my ears pierced. Yikes!

  21. Did you get my PM? :D

  22. Saw a truffle platter over 16k in the Neopian food shop. Neopets must be foodies ;)

  23. Got to play the demo of Darkstalkers Resurrection. Soul fist!!!!!

  24. Have you gotten your 3DS yet? :)

    1. flyingeevee


      Not yet ^^

      I'm waiting until the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comes out and will buy them together :D

  25. Wow!!!! A computer....and a car!!!!! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!!!!

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