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Scarlet Fever

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Status Updates posted by Scarlet Fever

  1. Your current avatar is adorable!

  2. Just wanted to say I love your signature; too cute. :)

  3. Thanks kindly, hun. :D

  4. Aw, thanks kindly. :)

  5. Thanks you, kindly. :)

  6. Gah! It's quite true...beggars can't be choosers. I was really hoping for a species change on the Blue Peophin I zapped and it turned into a Red Tuskaninny. D:

  7. Oh, I'm sorry I won't be much help there. I'm actually going to get Invisalign sometime within the year. Hopefully the uncomfy-ness will die down quickly enough for you.

  8. I haven't, actually. Why do you ask?

  9. I love your signature! That line always made me giggle.

  10. As Tank Girl said...John Jones is an ultra-common name. If you'd still like me to add you, I'm gonna need a link. :)

  11. Of course. :)....I accepted your add.

  12. Ghosts; definitely. I've seen and heard too much not to.

    As for other creatures/entities: I suppose it depends; I believe in some but not others. Either way, I've always been fascinated with the thought.


  13. Aw, Gizmo. :) Like your avvie.

  14. Yes. That was the point, doll. ;)

  15. Happy Happy Joy Joy. ;)

  16. Magma Pool guard...not responding to lullabies. Darn! And The Lab Scientist doesn't want to fight me either. -.-

  17. 400th post. Neat-o. ;)

  18. Aw, thanks. I found the picture by chance when looking up Masque of the Red Death. I found it suits the name. ;)

    I'd love for you to make me a counter, but I don't know if I have a way to repay you. lol

  19. Once again, your counter is both awesome and GORGEOUS.

  20. LOVE your Marilyn counter!

  21. I actually spoke a bit too soon when I made my post about needing a Cybunny. lol...They let out another release just minutes after I'd lost hope (probably due to my mis-timing on Lutari Day. lol). So I was actually able to make one. :) Thanks kindly, though. :)

  22. Nice to see another Fraggle fan. :)

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