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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. all right. i accept. hope we have a good fight. :D

  2. Almost 7,000 posts. >:3

    1. -Ryan
    2. khaos


      You. (7,000 posts that count actively, not counting posts in Games or anything.)

    3. -Ryan


      Oh... Really? :D

  3. almost fiveee yearsss!! whoaaaaa i miss all these old communities ;n;

  4. Almost there... *stalks the time*

  5. Am I an internet "friend" of yours? *worries*

  6. khaos

    and 10 minutes later Y U NO THERE

  7. And I need help with a Christmas themed one too D:

  8. Angels with halos and doctors with money. 0:)

  9. Are comments statuses now?? O_o

    1. Saxen


      I don't get it... What you just did - that's a status. This is a comment on that status ;) lol

    2. khaos


      Like, do comments on other profiles count as statuses? I found comments I made on other profiles in the status page... :/

  10. Are you 12? Just wondering cause in 'So, what are you listening to now?' you said 12 year old fangirl.

  11. Are you back to your JB style of names or is

  12. khaos

    Are you gonna join the Pokemon RP?

  13. asadghddfhj love you too. :D

  14. Assuming you mean Pokemon White 2, I'm doing great! I'm at the 5th gym. :3 Did you get the game yet?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. khaos


      You're already past the Elite 4? :o I need to catch up.

      I also plan on completing the National Pokedex >:3

    3. flyingeevee


      Don't worry, Ivan is behind me too :P

      Just caught a Kingdra and Magnezone before I had to charge my DS xD

      My main team is:

      1. Jenova (Serperior)

      2. Mileena (Meinshao)

      3. Mitzi (Ampharos)

      4. Krawky (Krookodile)

      5. Vincent (Vaporeon)

      6. Serena (Altaria)


      Man...I don't even want to look at that National Dex anytime soon x'D

    4. khaos


      My team so far is Dewott, Sunflora, and Scraggy. :3

      also xat cough cough


  15. Aw crap, so sorry about your account. Bliziz, Detestion, great neopets. :'(

  16. khaos


  17. khaos


  18. Aww. I really liked that site. I made my own forum, do you want to join? It's still very much in progress, but I've got some work done. :)

  19. Aww.... why'd you and Yoshi close down TNM? :(

  20. khaos

    B-B-B-B-B-BUT-T-T WHYY-Y-Y? D:

  21. back after a month of laptop broken

  22. back when it was something about the dark side had cookies. on the emo song.

  23. Back... for now. I will most likely be less active.

  24. Be back to TDN again D:

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