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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. What's my fabulous prize? :D

  2. When's you're real birthday?

  3. khaos

    Where is you!? :O

  4. Where is you? :O

  5. Where is you? D:

  6. Whistling to UN Owen was Her is really tiring. :x

  7. who's going to take over your pages now that Divya left? :/

  8. whoa youre a bp team person now thats cool

    1. Duskitty


      I am, and it is cool to work for TDN :D

  9. Why are you 2 stars? D: *rates you 5 stars*

    1. Sakabato


      ... I dunno actually, but I apologize to anything I did wrong.

    2. khaos


      probably some spammers that rate people 1 star. I see a lot of cool people with a low rating. some of it is reflected because of the good ratings they already got, though.

  10. Why are you always anonymous D:

  11. khaos

    Why are you mean? D:

  12. Why can't you join OldNeo? What is wrong with it?

  13. why did you do that? :P I saw it, and i also saw gtdrol gtffhfth or whatever it was. :P

  14. Why did you name your Oshawott George? I never give my pokemon human nicknames.

  15. Why do you have such random..... evereythings? :P Image search battle, thing you have copied, name, member title, just what the heck. xD


  17. Why don't you get a custom shield like mine? :3

  18. Why don't you post more, and get to know people? You've been lurking a lot. :)

  19. Why has your neo account been active for over 40 hours? :P

  20. Why is your favorite color red but you typing in teal? xP

  21. Why? Any reason behind that?

  22. Why'd you leave? D:

  23. Would this be a really late time to welcome you to TDN?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. khaos


      Most 12 year olds I meet are all "Oooh :* duckface and JB and 1D EEEEEEEEEE!!" and talk with horrible grammar and stuff. Glad you're not one of those. umu

    3. Duskitty


      Haha, what you just described is every kid in my class. :P

    4. khaos
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