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Posts posted by barkie

  1. Well Done for coming out. We parents are a fairly understanding and non biased group on a whole and though I have never had to deal with your dad's situation I am glad that you have his support and hope your other family members will also accept your sexuality with the same understanding that we are all our own person . Good Luck and be happy for who you are...

  2. Enjoy hunting for Neggs around Neopia as the Festival of Neggs has begun! Search every day (on day of release) and receive a bonus prize at the end of the event!



    Day One:

    Search Neovia

    (Doesn't appear to be activated yet - you may not get a notification but you will receive a gold check mark)

    The Wheel of Misfortune is where I found 1 plaid egg I seem to have 3 plastic ones also though I don't know where I got them .Maybe I didn't get a notification when I found them

  3. I got a message saying

    So, now I guess I just wait for the winner to be announced and the obelisk to open.

    How many others got the message I didn't but I didn't do much in the second to last (Leaders) round so maybe it was sent to only those that completed their Doing Your Part bar or the 2 Achievements. I hope we find out the answer soon though as the Suspense is unbearable...

  4. I have just achieved my Doing Your Part Gold Tick....I lost all of 361 battles to get the bar filled..They were


    76 Green (average)

    108 Orange (Strong)

    177 Red (Mighty)


    Only way I could do this was because my pets hit points were not lost with each battle that I was badly beaten...Pheww

  5. But I have only 39 health... there is no way to survive the first hit... at least it makes it less frustrating to know that people can get it with two hits... I guess I need to be extremely lucky to get hit 1000, I have seen 960 so it could be possible...

    I got the achievement and I think it is when you have dished out 1000 damage or 2000 hit points and it doesn't need to be in the one battle Not sure though as I haven't won a single battle yet in the last raid or this one either...I think I was tttooo pleased with myself with the first few rounds and needed a lesson in humility...

  6. Getting to the first million brings back painful memories for me I got to my first million and did not even have time to let out a whoopee before it was taken and my account was frozen. I was going to give up but TNT did reinstate my account after I put in a ticket and I thought giving up was just letting the evil ones win...That was almost 9 years ago and I have seen many millions come and go and come again so well done and keep those nps rolling in for your 2m goal...

  7. New gothic snow globes have been found in Future Fashions! Similar to mystery capsules, test your luck at getting some of these exclusive prizes!




    More a matter of Test Your Budget than your Luck once again with the availability of the Future Fashions depending on the spending of RL cash. I do feel a little sorry for the younger kids starting out in Neopets who are not always able to get these items.

  8. if you do purchase a 25 pack there is luckily an easy way to hang all your stockings *if you intend to hang one every day*


    activate your pack, then go and hang one stocking, it will ask you if you want to apply your pack to the whole event, click yes, it then tells you: this will hang a stocking on every day for you *actually the wording is not really clear..* then click yes again.


    voila! all hung ready for you.


    the wording i think should have been a bit clearer, since it seemed to me like you were hanging all 25 on one day xD instead of hanging one to be opened each day :P

    I purchased my pack and activated it and hung them(25 stockings) Now I am afraid I maybe should not have hung them so early but waited for the 7th Dec. Has anyone else hung their stockings or am I the only one who couldn't wait.. :questionmark:
  9. You have completed this challenge. The following is your reward:



    Snot Frame


    has been placed into your inventory. Putting it in your Safety Deposit Box would be wise...



    ................ disgusting !!! waited all this time for THIS ?!

    Which challenge was the frame the prize for I cannot seem to get the 5 puzzle games but have the snot splatter one which I got when I only scored over 5 points I don't know where I am now I am totally confused...Going by my progress chart it is the Random Challenge That I still need. I certainly did not get the 15ooo for snot splatter though when I was given the prize ...
  10. I'm going to go with Pepsi but I like Pepsi Max better than regular Pepsi because it has no calories or sugar.


    My favorite soda is defiantly Strawberry Crush or Jones Blue Bubblegum! Still, this is about Coke and Pepsi. Even though Vanilla Coke is delicious.


    I always drank Pepsi Max with the artificial sweetener but have seen so many bad reports on the sweeteners used in diet food and soft drinks as well as carbonated drinks not being all that healthy, so now I only drink spring water or occasionly Lightly Sparkling spring Water

  11. I am sorry to hear that you have had this heartbreak and hope things do work out for you...I just hope he doesn't think he is doing you a big favour by calling you and telling you he is coming (home). Try and make sure he knows how hurt you were that he COULD leave without any word or warning and that it is not something you will accept again....If he cares for you he will realise hurting you is not something he can do without discussion or at least a reason why he feels he needs to leave. Maybe he is a little bit immature to think he can hurt you so badly and it will just be forgotten....trust needs to be earned and is easier to break than to mend...Good Luck and Lots of hugs for you from me also....Colleen

  12. I tried IE and Chrome but changing settings or downloading Flash Player anew did nothing to fix the problem. Yesterday I installed and began using Mozilla Firefox and I haven't seen the message since (I hope I haven't jinxed myself saying that) Hope it helps you fix it also

  13. Does anyone else get this message It comes up every time I change a page or almost all the time in games. The game etc freezes until I press okay or close. Some times it doesn't show on top of the game page and I have to close the page to see the annoying message and click on it.I am using Chrome but changed to IE but it still came up all the time.








  14. neopets is down for me at the moment , it won't open at all ... is anyone else having this problem ?

    Me too I hope it is not a repeat of the Plushie tycoon fiasco a few months back :woot: . I am trying for the silver trophy this month. I have not been able to load the assignment53 game for the last couple of days as well as a few others so that is probably connected. I cannot load Neopets at all now so hopefully they will fix it all and in time for my plushies to build and sell before the end of month. :sad02: .


    It seems to be working now but haven't checked the games yet


    Nope gone down again..Oh Woe is me



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  15. th_Image8.jpg Anyone else getting these pages with the grey added links to the top If we have to put up with the links every page then hopefully TNT will add some speed and fix the glitches in their web pages Seems to me most of the links all load their pages a lot faster than Neopets does. If they don't class Neopets as high as the other sites then for goodness and sanity sake close it all together..
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