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The Score in Blue

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Status Updates posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Hello! I like your avvie and profile pic, yet that profile pic remains the same :D

  2. Hello! What is the reference from your profile pic? *feels a little noobish*

  3. hello. Just stopping by to ask whether your dp was from Zetsuen no Tempest?

    1. wakka9ca


      Yup. Fuwa Aika.

  4. Here's the doorbell, just for JB and Scary Squirrel

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Ryan


      SWEET! -rings doorbell repeatedly-

    3. jumpingbeans


      Ryan! You're gonna....*PTTT*....

      Break the doorbell! Uh! Why did you break the doorbell?

    4. The Score in Blue

      The Score in Blue

      Who broke the doorbell?!

  5. Hey FMA fan! Long time no post (on my part)?

  6. Hey its a fellow Kiwi! Hi!

  7. Hey JB! I didn't recognise you, due to that sneaky name change!

  8. Hey! I was wondering, where in NZ are you?

  9. Hey! You're from NZ's captial city too, awesome :)

  10. hey! love your avatar... tsubasa all the way!

  11. Hi JB! How are things in Canada?

  12. Hi new TDN friend! BTW do you look anything like your profile picture? :p

  13. Hi Xepha! You're an awesome gamer... I found you recently on the World Challenges. Just wanted to say hi :)

  14. HI! Congrats on the upgrade to mod... it's been ages since I've heard from you :D

  15. Hi! I like your new name... Mr. Jolly Squirrel

  16. Hi! I thought i'd drop in and ring the doorbell. Just stopping by.

  17. Hi! Love the Dark Mousy avatar.

  18. Hi! Now we have matching avatars :p

  19. HI! Thanks for friending me!

  20. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my profile. :P and for commenting on my status 5 stars!

  21. Hi! Welcome to my page...

    1. Seliphra


      *pokes your page*

    2. -Ryan
    3. Seliphra


      *pokes your page again*

  22. Hi! You broke my doorbell...

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