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Posts posted by :)Doc

  1. Personally, I don't get any holidays off. My work group is 24/7/365. So if a holiday falls on one of my regular days, I have to be there. (Or request it off, and find someone to cover it for me.) But we get an additional 8 hours of holiday pay, whether we work it or not.


    Generally, most places give the day off.


    Wow, that would suck! :mellow:


    Being a babysitter, the kid just texts me like the night before. And if something is coming up, I just tell his mom and she's all like "OK, that's fine!"


    So, I kinda got it easy. :laughingsmiley:

  2. My 4th will suck, because we are in a drought so we have had a 'burn ban' put in effect. If you shoot off fireworks and start a fire, you'll be paying for it. BIGTIME. :mellow:


    Which really sucks, 'cause my Grandpa died on the 4th a few years back and we'd always shoot off all the big fireworks in memory of him 'cause he liked big explosions. :rolleyes_anim:

  3. @Ashbash: lol, it's okay. I was kidding. :P

    @Doc: I prefer Papa John's and pizza hut. Domino's is too.. just mehh. xD


    Papa John's is good, but it takes forever to deliver and makes me sick : :sick02:


    Pizza Hut is just too greasy for me. :sick01:

  4. Being a dude... You don't generally want your birthday on a school day. Every year, I always blab about it... then I end up getting my birthday "licks"... :/ I like it when my falls on the weekend. No one remembers, or cares :D

  5. Welcome back Doc! We were discussing vintage video games and trying to help Khaos set up his new original NES as well.

    How's everything going? There's only one day left of the Altador Cup if you'd like to rack up Prize Shop points for good prizes. Also, I hit All-Star while you were away.


    Hm, I never had a NES so I can't help there. :P


    Life is certainly going alright :D lol, and I quit the Cup. Too confusing for me.


    and Congrats!! :thumbsup:


    EDIT: Due to boredom, I will now continue to play a few AC games. :P

  6. Rank 4, because I played my heart out the first bracket, then had a vacation the whole second bracket, came back and still didn't understand the bracket placings or any of the new stuff... so I quit. I just see the results each day now. :rolleyes_anim:

  7. I haven't played the last two days, and I'm leaving later today, and won't be able to play until at least next Saturday :sad02:


    Bye everyone, until then!


    Stay classy! :laughingsmiley:

  8. So, I wanna know...


    What's your favorite Altador Cup game? :laughingsmiley:


    And what's your least favorite Altador Cup game? :skull:


    For me, my favorite is Shootout Showdown, and my least favorite is Make Some Noise. :yes:


    What about y'all? :woot:

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