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Posts posted by :)Doc

  1. Oh, sit down a second. Got quite a few here...


    Let's see, busted my face up very nicely when I flew off my bike face first into a ditch.


    Fractured my collarbone when I tripped over a rock and landed on one of those metal garden liners.


    Hairline fractured the other side of my collarbone climbing up a water slide.


    Black eyes on two occasions.


    Broke my pinky toe jumping over the couch.


    Cut my right forearm open, running it against the sharp corner of my desk (scar remains :D)


    I have a pretty big and bulgy scar from my friends trying to throw me in the pool, but I had weighted myself down and they ended up dragging my shirtless back against the ground.


    Uhh... that's about it that I can remember. :D

  2. Doc, I'm really Neomysterion back when I first joined here, plus I'm a master of disguise. Here's my Name History to see if there's any names/aliases that you may remember me by.


    Oh! My apologies! :D Hi again!

    Without looking at my name history, try to figure out who I am, Doc. :P


    Nice seeing you again. Stay!


    Hm... let's see. Seems familiar... Looks like a completely random person... YOU'RE A STICK OF CHEESE! :D


    (or jb) :P

  3. I really am going to start being around here more guys, that much I promise. :D


    What with all the last few weeks of stuff, I've been gone... :/


    But now I'm back and plan to stay for a while! :)

  4. I'm going to have to look in this Hunger Games stuff. I've been hearing way too much about it to ignore.

    The books are great - even though I only read the first two. :) The movie is supposedly really good... which JB has established :D lol

    Day. Made.

    PLayed football with an ex-Buffulo Bills defensive lineman and his son today. I was qb, the son was wr, and Bills dude played safety or rushed me.

    They both said I have a good arm. :3

    Dude, that's awesome! Way to go! :thumbsup:

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