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Posts posted by :)Doc

  1. 1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you? This is my 8th Altador Cup. :P
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go? Yes, Maraqua! (4th year veteran)
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year? The suspense of knowing each days results.
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning? Maraqua or Krawk Island. Maybe Mystery Island if they can still compete with last year's success.
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against? I forgot our rivals- I think it was Meridell?
    6: Any AC goals? What are they? To get above Rank 4 for the first time.
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event? Going back to the Double Round Robin

    8: Something you're dreading? The possibility it is the same system as last year.

  2. Okay i got a questions for you guys, have you ever had thoughts of joining another team? I did in AC V but i stayed with LD and i'm glad i did!!!!!!! we won that year and after that I never even focused on joining another team!




    Ha, yes. I did join many other teams until I found Maraqua and kinda sorta fell in love with them, to be quite honest. :P

  3. Maraquan is a nice color for pets. I think they're a good choice for a team, too.


    Watermelon is delicious. Also, is that your kitty in your profile picture?

    Haha yeah, I hope Maraqua actually wins this year! :D

  4. Lol, sounds like good logic. :P


    I support Maraqua (4th year Vet.) because during the summer all I really do is sleep and swim at the local pool- and ya know, Maraqua is underwater so.... :P

  5. I have a feeling that out of the winners, Kreludor has the biggest chance of coming back and winning. Look at their record- they've always kinda been up there (besides the Cup they were out :P)


    Then probably Krawk Island, Darigan Citadel, Lost Desert, Roo Island, Virtupets, and then Haunted Woods. (in order of likelihood of actually coming back and winning)


    but that's just my guesses. :)

  6. GMC was in December last year, I think. Do you mean Daily Dare? That's been postponed, indefinitely, but I think there will be one sometime...

    Yeah, whatever they're called... Oh well... Maybe it'll happen this summer after the AC? :D

  7. You don't remember me?? D: Oh well. Nice to remeet you too! :D And congrats on hopefully getting an iPhone 4!

    (Btw, I've been trying to keep your egg cave eggs alive. ;))

    Lol why thank you, I'm gonna start that back up again too! :)


    Turns out though, I can't upgrade to the iPhone 4s until June 1st. -shrugs- not too long! :D


    By the way, was there a Games Master Challenge this year and I missed it, is there even gonna be one? What happened there? :O

  8. You might remember me- Duskitty? The crazy hyper girl who likes asdfmovie6? :D

    That name sounds really familiar.... I'm sorry I don't. :(


    BUT, nice to remeet you! :laughingsmiley:


    Y'all my mom said I might finally be getting an iPhone 4 today! :woot:

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