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Posts posted by :)Doc

  1. OK then, I shall fill out a request! :D


    Size: 300 by 400


    Image: This image right hereeee!


    Color Scheme: Something like a lime green.. or if that doesn't work, whatever you think looks best! :laughingsmiley:


    Extra: For the siggie, can you put "OHAI THERE" and then on the avvie use the same picture, but with the words ":)Doc"


    Can you do it? :D

  2. ... I do not know if I'm playing right. :laughingsmiley:


    Hey, somebody correct me if I'm wrong. :happystrange:


    Get this: My high school is shortening schedules tomorrow (I think), so we can go to our basketball game at 3. BUT, it's just our team versus itself, AND we have to pay our own $2 to get in... if you don't, you go to study hall. :bigeyed:


    Someone please tell me there is something weird going on there! There's gotta be something against that. :angry:


    I mean, YAY out of class, but we have to PAY to watch a SCRIMMAGE. And if we don't we have to go to STUDY HALL. W-H-A-T? :eh:


    I'm not impressed with that. :hmmph:

  3. I don't either. I really can't stand those types of games. He loves them. Along with the strategy type games.


    They are fun.. you just gotta have friends to play with online.


    The campaign and actually trying to figure out the strategic stuff takes me a lot longer. :S

  4. Nope. You aren't. The kid next to me (the husband) didn't. I'm sure he's pouting as we speak.


    Lol, that doesnt make me feel quite as bad :P (kidding!)


    I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow though cause of it... I've already been made fun of for not getting it, I don't wanna hear all about it. <_<

  5. Well heh-heh, while super big pretzels sound awesome, I meant that in relation to the small pretzels that you can buy in bags at the store. The big pretzels are like the soft pretzels you get at Auntie Anne's that are just bread dough twisted into a pretzel shape. The small ones are crunchy and I guess baked differently also


    I guess that reason I don't get the dislike or like of one kind but not the other is because my husband hates regular pretzels because they are just "stale bread" to him but loves the big doughy ones, but I love both equally because of the salt and bread, not just the texture of the bread they are made with, if that makes sense . . .


    EDIT: & congrats on your 1100th post!




    Well your husband is crazy!


    Thank you, thank you. :graduated:

  6. Speaking of pretzels, why is it that some people like big breaded pretzels but not regular pretzels? I mean, I do realize regular pretzels have a different texture than super big pretzels, but they're still bread so I don't get the difference really . . .


    Whoa, what are super big pretzels? :S


    Are they like really big pretzels? :P


    EDIT: 1100th post! :king:

  7. 1. Lost Desert: 142

    2. Maraqua: 126

    3. Shenkuu: 92

    4. Darigan Citadel: 24

    5. Altador: 6

    6. Krawk Island: 5

    7. Virtupets: 3

    7. Faerieland: 3

    8. Meridell: 2

    8. Moltara: 2

    9. Tyrannia: 1


    MARAQUA FTW!! :king:

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