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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. having no luck getting the Dark Valentine Sword. :(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Spritzie


      Did you try again? And still no luck. *shakes head* TNT must stop this. Maybe they'll release another one today that will have awesome stuff.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Yeah, I tried again and of course I didnt get. So I spent 800 NC (ughh) and I didnt get it.

    4. Spritzie


      I'm debating still about trying again. I might see what comes in the next one. If something I like better is in that, I'll get that instead, and maybe trade for the sword later.

  2. finally got the avatar from the Wheel of Extravagance!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Spritzie


      I decided that was low enough. I had no idea the value would tank. But I guess it was worth it.. the new wheel is cool.

    3. phyxius_on


      congrats on new avatar woot woot

    4. Spritzie


      Thank you :D

  3. just bought a Pirate Draik Egg. Time to think of the perfect name.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mouseykins


      I think I'll most likely get a Faerie Draik probably soon. I agree they are absolutely gorgeous! So far my pet names are kind of lame so I'll have to think of the perfect name.

    3. Spritzie


      When you get ready to hatch your Draik, let me know and I'll help with names. :D I love doing that.

    4. Mouseykins


      Thanks I will do that! I'll let you know when I hatch it after I buy the egg of course. :)

  4. Cairo is going in for surgery Thursday morning

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Spritzie


      I talked to my mom today. It's definitely irritable bowel. And unfortunately, it's chronic, so he'll have it for the rest of his life and will have to be watched and treated for it. Right now, he's on a mix of dry and wet food and seems to be doing well.

    3. Mouseykins


      Awww I'm sorry to hear that. *hugs*

    4. Spritzie


      Thanks. :) It's better than some of the other things it could have been. I guess the doctor was actually concerned he might have cancer, because he had the same symptoms as another cat that ended up having cancer. But the biopsies said no cancer for sure.

  5. just zapped an Ice Hissi!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Spritzie


      Other Shoyru colors that are blue are Mutant (Not happening), Ice (Which would be too hard), Electric, Cloud, Plushie, and Starry. And I'm not a big fan of those. So she'll probably always be blue.

    3. Viridian


      Ice hissi! That would be one of my dreamies, but I am fine with the Desert Hissi I painted :)

    4. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Oops Spritzie I meant colors that were blue and actually look good. xD

      And Viridian, wow for the Desert Hissi!

  6. Ultimate Bullseye is a horrible, horrible game. But thankfully, I finally beat AAA.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. wistiria12


      I felt the the same way,when i was playing top chop i had almost 20 times in two days to beat AAA but still i'm more of a abigail challenger

    3. khaos


      im kind of a mix of AAA and abigail. i havent done snowmuncher yet, im not good. i think my best is like above 2000 maybe. im not sure.

    4. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      I am awful at this game. But I practiced for like an hour and I beat AAA too! YES! *high fives*

  7. Finally done with work for the week! The end couldn't come quickly enough.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Spritzie


      I have to see what he wants to do. He'd probably rather go out to dinner than have a cake.


      Yeah he does.

    3. Sweetdang


      Then is he here on TDNF? :D

    4. Spritzie


      He has an account, but he hasn't been logged in for nearly a year now.

  8. Just hatched my Draik, Aitvara!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spritzie


      After my Draik Egg, I was down to 38 NP. o.O Now I'm up to 30k. (After spending 100k on a Camo PB)

    3. Anisha


      Wow. 38 NP? That must be awkward. 0_0

    4. Spritzie


      It was. I was not amused with how little I had left.

  9. My Neopets account is now 9 years old!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spritzie


      I'll be 26, almost 27 when my Neo turns 10.

    3. khaos


      I'll be 16 when mine turns 10 xD

    4. Spritzie


      Wow, you started young. :P I started pretty late, compared to most. Though my sister was about 20 when she started, so she was even older.

  10. 3000 games of SOSD later, I seriously dislike Jelly Chias more than I ever thought possible.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spritzie


      I plan to have 24,000 by the end. (And I'll be breaking 6000 tonight.) But that's just too much of that Chia.

    3. phyxius_on


      3000, 6000, and then 24,000 i cant even imagine it wow you go gurl

    4. Spritzie


      Haha I'm so sick of the game. I just passed 7000 games today, and I'm debating whether to play any more today.

  11. got a 3rd place trophy for Grand Theft Ummagine!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. khaos


      TDN has a guide to this?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!!?!?!!!?!!?!?


      *gets killed*

    3. Spritzie


      Yep :P They do for most of the games. And it's awesomely done with screen caps and everything. :P

    4. khaos


      I need to see that. It'd help me get past level 9. Level 8 was a *wordicannotsayhere*


      Oh wait, I'm dead. *gets killed again*

  12. just got the gold trophy for Cellblock!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spritzie


      I won't be playing again, now that I have the gold trophy and avatar. It's not kind of game I'd play for fun.

    3. Mouseykins


      I know as soon as I get that gold trophy I'm NEVER playing cellblock again.

    4. Spritzie


      My thoughts exactly! I haven't touched it since the trophy.

  13. Your Draiks are absolutely gorgeous! They have such perfect customizations!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spritzie


      I do the same thing! The contacts don't even help much, because the yellow is still there, which usually looks bad with the contacts, regardless of color. The eyes will be a big factor in what color I choose. I'll be playing around on Dress to Impress before I make a decision, but I think I might end up going with Desert.

    3. Queen


      Exactly!! I tried the lulu's on Glitz but the yellow + pink was horrid. So I went with the meepit eyes instead. I think the meepit eyes are the best thing ever!

    4. Spritzie


      I actually tried the Lulu contacts on pink yesterday. It would have been so adorable, had it not been for the yellow. They really should have picked something more neutral. I don't understand how they thought red/yellow was a good combo.

      I love the Meepit eyes. They look super cute on Draiks.

  14. spent too much NP on backgrounds today. o_O

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Spritzie


      I've sold all mine for 10-50k, depending on which one it was.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Nice! Now I praying for another bag. :D

    4. Spritzie


      Have you sold the ones you currently have? I've been getting nothing but apple items the past couple days.

  15. The fire has come over the next ridge and flames are visible from my office. The building is surrounded by an orange glow from the ash and smoke in the air

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Spritzie


      I have mild asthma, and it's bothered by it, but only if I'm exposed to it for extended periods of time, depending on how close I am. Being at home, it's not bad, and I don't linger outside.

    3. Ashbash


      Oh my, just saw this. Stay safe! Hope things are okay.

    4. Spritzie


      Thank you :) The fire is backing away from the city now. They've lifted nearly all of the mandatory evacuations for my city and it's now the west side of the fire to worry about, which means the mountain towns on the other side.

  16. the lab ray just changed my pet into a Green Lutari! :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. siemis


      lucky you ^___^ congarats!!

      I'm so jealous xD

    3. Spritzie


      Thank you :) I was really shocked. I've been having horrible luck with the lab ray the last few months.

    4. Aaa


      Congrats all I have gotten is speckled and a green pet. But oh well.

  17. is looking to buy a Draik Egg!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      Exactly. :P I agree. I need some new Draik Eggs put up. There's hardly any on the TP.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean


    4. Spritzie


      I know! I'm so excited! Now to figure out a name.

  18. got the Coconut Shy avatar today! #260

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      I used to lose a ton on it. Some days now, though I actually make NP from it.

    3. khaos


      Im surprised! So have you gotten the 500,000NP Jackpot?


    4. Spritzie


      No. I've only gotten 10k so far. And I haven't played again since I got the avatar.

  19. AAA: 25/27. Nova Defender and Jumpin Gem Heist to go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iona


      Evil. I got 49800 on JGH. 200 off :(

    3. Spritzie


      I haven't even tried JGH today. With the crazy work day I've had, and the headache I have starting, I'll wait until tonight.

    4. Iona


      Sorry about your headache :/

      Good luck!

  20. finally finished NeoQuest!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      There isn't. I think Ryan made a post forever ago, but there's definitely nothing current. I think that would be a great idea.

    3. Iona


      Congrats! How long did it take you?

      I think I started it but gave up after a couple of hours of playing. :/

    4. Spritzie


      Thank you :D Umm, it probably took me about.. 4-5 months. But that was mostly because I'd play heavily for a day or two, then forget about it again for weeks. It's very, very tedious. I'm glad to be done with it.

  21. I fail to see the point of parking somewhere, then moving to take the parking spot of someone who left while you were still in your car. Yay for you, you just got 3 spots closer to the door.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      I understand if the parking lot is full, like my building is after about... 8 am. After that point, you pretty much only get a spot at the edges, or if someone leaves. But on weekends, there's usually less than 10-15 cars, and there's tons of close spots.

    3. flyingeevee


      Even then they rather not walk all the way up the hill to the buildings, so they still rather park closer <.<

    4. Spritzie


      That's understandable. My parents live behind a college, and though there's large parking lots, it's not enough and kids still part nearly all the way to their house. (They're probably about 3/4 a mile from the school.)

  22. There's nothing quite like a glass of ice cold Cherry Dr Pepper after a long afternoon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      What is Cockta? I've never heard of it.

    3. Rebeka


      It's a similar drink, invented in ex Yugoslavia - they don't sell it in US. Sadly ;)

    4. Alynniae


      yummie :D gotta ♥ cold drinks ;)

  23. with the latest snow storm, I've confirmed my belief that I hate snow.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      It's about 30 degrees right now. It was in the single digits this morning. Ironically, it was 61 degrees on Sunday, then the snow hit the next day.

    3. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      Here in NH we usually get snow this time of the month...IT'S 5 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!! And we have no snow.

    4. Spritzie


      We usually get snow storms early (October) and late (May). It's far more common to have snow on Halloween than Christmas. But it looks like we might have it on Christmas this year, though it will probably be gone by then.

  24. I am not amused, Winter! We got far more snow from the second storm last night, than we were supposed to. And it's still snowing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rebeka


      Send some here, we're snowless :(

    3. Spritzie


      All of you can have our snow. All of it. I hasn't snowed since Thursday, but there's still packed snow and ice all over the place.

    4. Anisha


      Aw. It's still warm here. :P I honestly wish it snowed.

  25. my typing will be... interesting for 4 weeks due to a brace on each wrist. :(

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    2. jumpingbeans


      *covers ears due to meowing cat*

    3. Spritzie


      Thank you guys. :) The shots I got have helped with the pain, but now it's just the braces making things difficult.

    4. jumpingbeans


      You're welcome.

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