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Posts posted by BethJT

  1. Level 7 at the moment. I'm actually surprised I haven't given up yet!


    Changed my plans to 35x YYB, 10x MSN and 125x SOSD per day and that along with 10 random games of SS should take me to All Star. Only just devised this plan so I have to play catch up now. I couldn't attempt to max any of them, it'd kill me.

  2. I was aiming for a rank a day (until I got to the double figures) but after an 11 hour shift and another early start I'm gonna leave it at 12 games shy! I know I've got at least one other time this month where I'm gonna be gone for the entire day so I'll have to make up for them both at some point.

  3. This year it's been 12 but from 120 games I've only had it a couple of times. I agree that the computer game is really good. I usually score 5 within the first minute but struggle after that.


    I'm pretty sure on the old version I used to get 18 though? I'm certain I did! 

  4. Level 4, finally! So far I've done a rank a day but I definitely can't keep that one up.


    Starting to get lazy already and there's loads of people out there who've done way more than I have. I really only play YYB and SOSD and I find SOSD a lot quicker and easier (cause it is) so I dunno which one to blast. 

  5. End of Day 2 and I've just hit level 2. 

    I didn't get home until about 4pm yesterday so I didn't get much game time in but I made up for it today. It feels like all I did today was play Yooyuball so I'm actually annoyed I'm only at Level 2 haha. 


    I was aiming for All Star but I doubt I'm gonna make it. Level 12 is the highest I've got (although I have a Level 9 with more games played from a few years back) and I remember then I didn't have work or anything else going on and I felt like it took forever!

  6. This is my first year with Krawk Island and I'm expecting big things!


    I've been on Neopets for almost ten years but I've only been active for about half of that but I tried to return whenever the AC was on cause I love it. My highest rank is 12 but I hope I can beat that this year inbetween work and studying! Pretty certain I will.

  7. Really? That's exactly what I was looking for! I was thinking something like that wouldn't actually exist though cause it was just something so simple an obvious.


    Thanks, guess I better carry on looking for one!

  8. I know nobody is probably gonna care either cause I know I wouldn't but as soon as it happened I was like 'I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE LIKE THIS!'. Maybe I'll never ever try again and just leave it haha


    Definitely don't already have it and I only just got the courage today cause I finally went for the squawk one which thankfully worked the first time.

  9. I've never posted on the neoboards before and I've always been scared of trying to get the avatars on there just in case it doesn't go through.


    Just tried the Nimmo-Emote one and it went through as a normal post so now I look like a bit of an idiot...

  10. Not sure if it's okay to ask here but I need help with stocks! (Probably won't use correct terminology)


    Every time I've used stocks in the past I've ended up losing NP. Even after waiting months and on one occasion leaving neopets for a couple of years I still made losses. This time around I decided to not give up and keep trying and buy my 1000 stocks at 15-17NP (which is what I've always done) but I've invested 308,059 and out of the 35 companies only 10 I'm making profit on and bar one of those it's all minor. The rest are in the - double figures.


    I've in total managed to get it from being -19% to -6% but I feel like it's just gonna be like all the times before.


    Admittedly I've not been doing it long but is there a point in waiting like everyone says or do I just take my money, admit I'm awful and forget about it?

  11. Got a pirate draik morphing potion from Anchor Managment a mere few days after I got a pirate draik egg from Forgotten Shores.


    I'd a few thousand short of the 15m mark for a few weeks but I kept spending quicker than I could make it so I was glad for those two!

  12. The fact that you can't change your username. I think most people probably joined when they were quite young so who's gonna want the same name ten years on? Even if you could only change it once or you had to mail them to change it or something, as long as it was an option!


    Mine's all misspelled and something I don't even care about!

  13. Welcome to the forums, first of all! :)


    Doing an Illusen/Jhudora themed gallery would get very very pricey. I'm having some trouble filling up just the Jhudora side xP I don't think I ever will, lol.


    There's another member here that has a Faerie Foods gallery, I think that theme is popular. If you want to go for the Gallery Spotlight it might be worth going for a bit of an edge with it - like a gallery devoted to food with wings or something along those lines. :)


    Thank you :D


    Yeah I don't mind spending some money, it's not like I'm lacking in it, but I'm not keen on buying much over 10 million NP!


    I do like the faerie food with wings idea actually! It's not like all of them have wings but then still quite a lot do have them on. Enough to fill a gallery you know? Yeah I like that idea, thanks for that :D

  14. Yeah. :( So many Faerie things are SOOOOO expensive. But pretty! Heh. :D Faerie Foods are SO PRETTY. All sparkly and stuff! :D Heh. Good luck with it! I can't wait to see it when it's closer to being complete! :D

    Heh, no need to give me credit or anything. ^_^ I'm glad to have helped a little though!


    I tried to think of gallery ideas that weren't faerie related but I couldn't quite step away from them!


    I'm getting rid of some of the other things in my gallery at the moment so I'm definitely going with the faerie foods idea. Thanks again :D

  15. Well, Illusen and Jhudora are both SUPER expensive as well. I mean, look at the top teir prizes for their quests- hundreds of millions to buy, and it's hard finding anyone to sell! I think that as far as specific characters to have as a theme, they're relatively popular (I know that Saxen has a Jhudora gallery).


    Maybe make your gallery a bit more specific. I see that you have a bunch of categories in your gallery- maybe focus on just one category? Just books, or just petpets, etc.

    Ultimately, only you can decide on what to make your theme. Do whatever makes you happy! If having a general Faerie theme makes you happier than any specific Faerie, or a category, then keep going for it. The fun is mostly in questing the items, yeah? :)


    (Welcome, btw! :))


    (I think that if I was going to do a Faerie themed Gallery, I would do a Space Faerie one. Just saying. ;))


    Thank you :D


    Hmm I guess so! I do like the idea of doing faerie foods or something, not as difficult but still a little challenging! The thing with doing all the faerie items was that there were so many items that were a good few million.


    Ooh I love the space faerie as well! I am liking the idea of faerie foods though, I may stick with that one! I'll give you credit ;)

  16. I'll just start off by saying that this is my first post so I've probably shoved it in the wrong place, I apologise if it is!


    I planned to fill my gallery full of faerie items (320 + 25 SDB items so far), hoping one day to both enter it into the spotlight and obviously, to complete it. However I've realised that completing it really won't be an easy task at all, unless I suddenly turn into the Carlos Slim of Neopia.


    So I'm looking for any other faerie related gallery ideas! I was thinking of doing an Illusen and Jhudora one but I'm guessing it's been done a lot before?


    Please and thank youuu :D

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