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Posts posted by BethJT

  1. Not a proper achievement but I went into my inventory to feed my pets and a Magical Durian Chia Pop was just...sitting there. It couldn't have been from a random event and it wasn't won in my dailies but a few times I've just heard of them turning up.


    I zap pets from the pound and put them back in so I'm not sure whether to use it on one of those or sell it.

  2. Don't worry, I've done the same!


    I kept seeing morphing potions in the shop but I could never get there quick enough cause I was checking what the restocking price was so I decided to just buy it straight away anyway and I ended buying one for around 35k that was worth about 1500. In all honesty I dunno about anyone else but for me I'd rather do that and lose a bit of NP in the short term and gain it back when you get a good one cause I'm sure nobody really knows the worth of every single morphing potion.


    Are you actually trying restocking or did you see it and grab the opportunity? Usually if it's been sat there a while I assume it's not worth anything.

  3. Rank 16! So close yet so far!


    Just been on somebody's lookup who's reached All Star at least 5 times and one year they played 2536 games of YB, 1444 SS, 2444 of MSN and 14444. On the off chance they're reading this I commend you cause that would end me!

  4. Yeah it's the Sell! SELL!! one where you have to have over 1m invested in stocks. Feels like it's taking forever to get there!


    I'd only lose around 60k from the 820k I've invested already so it shouldn't take me long to get back anyway. I think I'll sell!


    Edit: Sold them and my stocks have gone from being +15 to -15. Guess they must have been keeping them afloat haha

  5. I hate it when you wanna quickly buy something but you have to scroll down the online equivalent of War and Peace just to get to it cause of the mass of images and nonsense. I don't care, I just want my codestone! 


    Also I hate the junk from dailies. I don't know if it's possible for them to change the prizes but the same thing day in and day out gets boring. Not even expensive things but something new.


    Aaaaand finally for me it's the impossible game avatars. I'm awful at games and no matter how many guides I read and videos I watch I am never getting those.


    I think that'll be all.

  6. SS is the game I try and avoid! Feels like hours playing just one game.


    Reached rank 11 and hopefully by the end of the day I should be at 12. If I play an extra 20 games of YB today I've caught up with my target.


    Providing there's 30 days of gameplay in total I should reach All Star by day 29 I believe?


    (Why are all my posts on this topic a tactical evaluation?) 

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