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Giovanni Gale

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*continues electrocuting AA while laughing evilly*

If I get a new set it will be as close to the opposite of AA's as possible. That'd be funny. :D

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*Detaches live wires and attaches them to AA3*


There. I think I might try Xepha's stand.

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Is intelligence measured in acheivement? Does the fact that we can write and build make us smarter? Sure, we're pretty dang smart, but is that what makes us smart? Perhaps intelligence is in not doing those things, The Dolphins just swim around and have fun all day, eat when they're hungry, do whatever they want without any fears. While you and I struggle through every day working for someone who we've never even met making things for people we don't care about... Sounds like the dolphin is smarter to me.

But then, the dolphin can't play Neopets, so maybe its not so smart...

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I remember there was once a guy who read the whole thing... I tried once but I lost interest.

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Hum, that's not in my plan to read it all... Even if I'm bored most of the time XD


I just translated a old attempt to start a novel (French to English). I'm sure my translation isn't very good. It's hard to keep my style in English. And I checked like 10 words in the dictionnary! argg

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I calculate that this topic at the time I make this post has (including this post) exactly 2,152 posts. Reading those would take an eternity...

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Wanna bet on that?


I find it hard to learn two languages at the same time, since they usually have different grammatical structures.

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Heck, I speak English (actually, I speak American, since we butchered the language), and I have more my entire life since I could speak. Now, never having tried to learn more than one language at a time, I know that just trying to learn Spanish is hard. I don't know how you could possibly learn two at the same time. *weeps in the corner*


This is post number 21344.

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Oh... I multiplied by 4 instead of 40. Oops.


The post numbers... I forgot :*


And back on off topic, me and AA had a discussion on how easy it would be to kill everyone in America and take over. Just make robots that run around playing over and over again a recording of the phrase "many fish". This came from the assumption that Americans couldn't get their head round the aforementioned phrase and dropped dead whenever they heard or saw it. XD

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All right, here are the plans for defending TDN against the onslaught of guests:


- Smumpkins will man the position by the barrel marked with the hazard symbol

- I'll man the spot behind the 'aim your weapons here' sign

- We'll plant explosives all over the place and mark them with warning signs so we don't get hurt

- AA3 will build an automatic hidden defense system, but he'll put flamboyant markers on it so he can remember where the different parts are

- We'll all wear brightly coloured clothing so we can see each other

- Several cannons will be placed so that the guests can take them easily, one of them will be booby-trapped to blow up when it's fired - to make sure we don't mess up when we're manning the cannons, it'll be marked with a sticker

- Some of us will infiltrate the ranks of the guests, but nobody is allowed to know who in case we have traitors

- We'll have our weapons on a large, unsupervised table so we can all get at them quickly

- There's nowhere else to put the large battle plan charts, so we'll stick them on the wall. I'll label them with large headings so we don't get mixed up

- I'll get some robotic spies that can project holograms. Since they're all identical, I'll give them name tags saying 'Robo-spy 1', 'Robo-spy 2', etc.


Any more to add? XD

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- We don't want any accidents, so our weapons will be armed with paint pellets and not bullets.

- Our main defense is our automatic defense system. We also have robotic spies. Just to make sure the guests don't do the same, we'll set off a powerful electromagnetic pulse in the middle of our base when they attack.

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