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ok. i made this topic b/c everyone has a cool screenname. some of them are so out there that im kinda curious as to how they came about. so, share your screenname story. here's mine:


my brother saw the incredibles and thought it was great. especially the mom, whos like those stretch armstrong toys. well, im really stubborn nd INFLEXIBLE. so he named me inflexigirl b/c i always fight w/ people, even if its stupid. i used to hate it, but it grew on me. now its on everything- forums, myspace, email. its all good.

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My current one's aripoff of my brother's screenname for digg and some geek-forums,so don't try googling it.I use confuciousnz as my secondary,after dansmellslikecrap.Both were invented by my geeky bro.


very cool you guys. trkstr, i hear your complaints of geeky brothers. mines the same way (except hes ur age) how olds ur bro?


Mine is a long-ish story.


See, when I was first getting really into anime and the internet, I had this idea of haveing an anime site (it was before I knew about hosting, coding and so forth). And the 'animetriplicate' came to me as a good names, having three shows that I really liked at the time. That, obviously, never got of the ground, but after a while I got into neopets again, and, needing a username, I figured, why not? It's not like I'd use it other wise. After that, it just stuck. If you were to google 'animetriplicate' every result would be me. (I know this beacuse I've done so.)


My name is Florencia but my family and friends call me Flor, which means flower in spanish. And that was my screen name story! :P

Guest Teen_astronomer

A loooooooooooooooong time ago I used the Nickname 'Unequaledpyro' then I wanted something that better suited my personality. Teen_astronomer was not taken, AT ALL! I am now studing Astrophysics and Geology. I have a new screen name all lined up for when I turn twenty. but for now, Teen_astronomer is ok.


animetriplicate, what are the three shows you like? is one of them inuyasha? (not that i watch it, but i do admire the art form of anime). there were some ppl next to my locker last year who were obsessed with the show. i was just wondering if you liked it too.


well, I just thought of mine one day sitting at my computer, and now everything that I make is nonstickglue, so if you ever see a nonstickglue out there, its me, except on AIM b/c it was already taken.....er.....



animetriplicate, what are the three shows you like? is one of them inuyasha? (not that i watch it, but i do admire the art form of anime). there were some ppl next to my locker last year who were obsessed with the show. i was just wondering if you liked it too.


It wasn't one of them I was thinking of when I made the name, but I like it now.


i guess squidge just kinda popped into my head since i love that part in finding nemo when dory says "hello squishie, aw, you're so cute, goochie-goochie goo...". yeah, it's really random, but it just popped into my head at that moment.


I just think that Keiko is a cool name (not my real name) and I randomly thought of cookies, so...


Keiko_Kookie pwns you all!!!


Morgan=non-creative name. Tis my real name. :sleeping_03anim:

My original TDN name (before it was revamped) was cheesy_morgan, because, well, cheese pwns everyone! :D As for my neopets username, back when I joined, I fell in love with the adorable little grundos and made another account called grundolover66. It became my main account over time, but I would change the name if I could. :( It's too risky now to transfer my pet to cheesy_morgan, because somebody would snatch Pluto up before I would get the chance.


My screenname is...a snake. It is also a car, the name of one of my original characters, and the main name of my website. I pick from my random list of characters when picking a screenname, usually Viper or Viper Imatye. My neopets screenname is just weird and yea.


Hearing the word viper always reminds me of a joke my dad told me once. I won't bother going into it because it's too long. :O


My screen name really isn't original on my part. (I know, shame on me) I got the name off of one of my friends after he abandoned 'Chipmunker' for something else in another game. I later added the 'o' as it is more unusual and the fact that there was a Chipmunker already on Neopets.


However, lucky for me I know the story about my screen name. The day before my friend started playing Runescape (this was about six years ago when RS was fun o_O) he was out with his pellet gun. And long story short, he beaned a chipmunk in the head from a 50 foot tree.



And while I'm sitting here explaining my screen name, I should explain my avatar too. In case anyone think I'm off my rocker.


I also play a game called ToadWater (Not much on graphics BUT really addicting). In it you grow trees and in a particular kind of tree, you can have squirrels inhibit them. And from those squirrels you can "milk" them with gloves to get "Squirrel Milk" which acts as a buffer. The avatar pic is just a little play on that. I also added the :bigeyed: emote just b/c I didn't think the mods would really enjoy that world even if it is funny.


So, you must have a last name with a hyphen in the middle, like Jacks-Evan, right? *confuzzled*


My screename is Suspicious. Because people say I'm paranoid. And I like the word Suspicious... Scratch that, the main reason I picked Suspicious was because in the old forums, Jennifer was taken, and then I kind of got used to Suspicious.


My original screenname was Developer, as I was the developer of ideas in a school club, so I used that on our website. However, when I expanded out to email and chat programs, developer was of course already taken. So, my cat's name is Kika, and I own him, therefore kikaown.

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