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Daily Dare - Week 4


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Anyone else having this problem?


I can't get past level 4. On the very beginning of level 5, AAA just stops. I've tried everything in the game (jumping, pressing all of the equipment buttons), and closing the game and trying again. It's still messed up.


Edit:Nevermind, I fixed it. I just had to play the game on IE.

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Yes, I'm having that same problem Alde... and I could just about scream. I was using firefox. I'm stuck at the beginning of level 5, with all 3 lives left and the guard still almost at the beginning of the ice cream level... and AAA is not moving! I don't have IE (I'm on a mac), so I tried using Safari... but I can't seem to get past level 4 again. I'm gonna keep my stuck window up... if anyone hears how to fix this, please let me know!!!

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Just when I got my 5000 points, the display says that its in offline mode cannot send score :grrr:


Haizz looks like I have to play again...


Update: Yay I manage to send my score the second time, I finally beat him with Abi, anyone have collected the prize yet? I seen to have some problem collecting my prize..

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AAAAAGGGGHHHH Ok, sorry for the all caps... but seriously... my game is stuck again, at the same place, this time in safari. Why is neopets so anti mac-user? It would have been very nice if they could have ironed out the bugs for all of their users, regardless of preferred OS.

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Is it confirmed that its a 1 one score game sent?


Nevermind - just got a score of 5000 and completed the game with AAA but it dosent count because that was my 2 score sent. Im pretty much *censored* right now.

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Well, I beat AAA today with no real trouble. I've gotten that score in Ice Cream Machine many times before, allthough I haden't played the game for a LONG time!

I got it on the second try. First time, I got caught in a few no-escape-situations and only got one extra life - plus the one from the code, off course. When I tried again, I got a total of at least 6 extra lives, so I actually managed to get all the way to Tigersquash, which killed off my last two life plus the one I got in that level. 10.005 points - me be very happy =)


And no, I'm off to try Dungeon Dash!


Edit: ARGH! This is really P'ing me off! When I get to a certain point of level four, the game just quits!

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I'm about to give up on this stupid dungeon dash game.. and I'm going to submit 50 error reports on it. I had to completely reboot, re-install, re-setup, etc, etc, etc, my entire PC... install windows, the whole shebang cause the hard drive died (again) just so I can play this game because it freezes on level 5 on the mac. So after I do all that, the game runs so poorly on IE that it does this weird pause-skip thing about every 3 seconds, which isn't too disasterous for the first 3 levels, but makes the last two levels nearly impossible. If I happen to push a key, such as jump or helmet, right when it pauses, it doesn't register my selection and then it skips ahead a frame or two.. thus making me get hit by icecreams, land on broken glass, get hit by a kougra, etc. The furthest I've gotten is about 4567 ... so close... yet still I died cause it didn't register a jump so i walked into broken glass.


Ok... rant over... at least for now.


Edit: Ok, I just beat the game... but with Abi... I can't decide if I want to stick with that and send it... or keep trying fo AAA... what to do!


2nd Edit.... Yayayay!! So I decided to try with AAA one more time, as I figured I could duplicate my win with Abi, and I won with AAA. It was the first score I sent too. I'm sooo glad I'm done with this game and I never want to play it ever ever ever again!

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Congratz. Must be a great feeling :). I just wished that i've known that one could only send 1 score because then i would have won to with AAA :( Its quite frustrating.


Yeah, I'm really glad I happened to check this forum before I started playing. Though for the whole daily dare competition I've waited to get the score I wanted before sending any, even if there are 3 chances... I'm just paranoid something will go wrong I guess.


I finished the normal challenge for today too.. but I went with Abi, after the dungeon dash fiasco I was burnt on flash games.. so I did one try and sent my score... somewhere in the 2000 pt range. No more flash games for me today. I want nothing more to do with them. Good luck to everyone who's game is freezing, use IE, it's seems to be the only browser that will work for it at the moment


Also, ho_yt... I can't collect my prize either, anyone else able to? ( I got the ice cream prize just fine, just the dungeon dash prize isn't working)

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I don't think I can beat this game. And if I don't, I can't believe a month of gaming has been useless because of this game and it's off-the-chart requirements for gaming skills.


I really hope TNT can actually play this game themselves - otherwise, there's no way they can justify sending out such a hard game.

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I don't think I will ever be one to play this game.... I just want to blow the whole thing up.. so therefore I am going to ignore that it exists!!!

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I don't think I can beat this game. And if I don't, I can't believe a month of gaming has been useless because of this game and it's off-the-chart requirements for gaming skills.


I really hope TNT can actually play this game themselves - otherwise, there's no way they can justify sending out such a hard game.


You don't have to beat it, you can send in a lower score, you just won't get the AAA or Abi gumball machine, you'll get the badge I'd say play AAA and get as far as you can, then send your score, that way you get his badge and not Abi's. Plus, I don't think you have to beat this in order for the regular daily dare challenges to count, I think it's seperate. I'm not certain though... but that's the impression I've gotten from various posts/boards/etc.

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On another post someone mentioned using one hand for the bubble, spring, and jump and your other hand for the armor controls... I didn't do it that way... I have a hard enough time thinking with just one hand, but maybe it'll help you? Would make sense though, one hand for movement.. the other for defense.

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Woohoo! :) I won over AAA today and beat the Roothless challenge with AAA, although it seems it's counted as a win over Abigail for me. Another thing, has anyone claimed their prize for beating Roothless, because even though I beat him, there's still no picture of a gift box I can click on to claim my prize.


Final score:

AAA: 28

Abigail: 4

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I didn't once try to beat AAA so my final score is Abi 31 hehe....


I almost gave up on Dungeon Dash, but then I thought what the hell... give it another two hours hehe


Ohh and yes everyone is having trouble redeeming their prize for Dungeon Dash as far as I remember.

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Im pretty sure i read on this forum that the prizes for dungeon dash hasent been released yet and thats why nobody can claim them even though they've earned the right to do so.


Zafia: Did you complete Dugeon Dash again and send you score again?

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Hahaha... Roothless. I geddit. The one guy dorkier with AAA, with all his king bling~


It's ooover, and I've decided I rather like Daily Dare! Only thing that went wrong was volcano run which I've ranted about already. ^_^ Hopefully the default win over Abi won't stop me being Spifftastic.

Final score: AAA-21, Abi-11


*snicker* Roothless... oh you roos

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