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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ Well it depends on what's most convenient - sometimes I stab it, or drop an explosive on it, or just blast it with a big cannon.

< :evil:

v How do you keep up to date with current events?

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^ I usually watch the 6 o'clock news

< How old-fashioned!

v Do you find it's getting darker much quicker lately?

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^ Who do you think? BILL FREAKING KAULITZ!! YEAH BOY! *ahem* It's all good now.

< I personally felt that Brand cutting off Rob was a bit hilarious. But then I was pissed too. But I was still laughing off certain unmentionable (here) parts of my body at his comments. XD

V Did that make any sense?

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^ No-Thank goodness! =D


< Finished homework just around 4:30 today :) Didn't procrastinate all that much today...not like I procrastinate regularly.


v Are your procrastinating skills something you are proud of, or do you hate them?

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^ It depends on how much work suddenly ambushes me. :P

< *is eating seaweed*

v Do you like seaweed?

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^ Seaweed is edible?!

< Never knew that!

v How much would you pay for a cure for the common cold?

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^ That depends on whether or not I had a common cold at the time. :P

< I'm reasonably healthy at the moment though.

v Are you sick?

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^ Uh...what's a mayor's favorite food? (I made up that one :P-the answer is "Mayornaise" xD)


< Should write down all my original jokes :) I made up some good ones a while back.


v Do you like adding a twist to the "Why did the chicken cross the road??" joke?

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^ I just say, cuz he could. And then add some other "colorful" flares to it. XD :P

< I.... have nothing to say. XD

V Do you like ice cream? (Only asking because I know its possible to not like it.... I don't.... that much *runs away fast*)

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^ I love ice cream :) Who doesn't?


< Starting to hate school (specifically ELA) because my parents have to sign this book log thing. vggvbggfffg.


v Do you bang your keyboard when you're mad/nervous/upset sometimes?

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