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The Big Cheese

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^ *Gives cookie*

< This cookie has special neural beads designed to cheer you up. Mind control not included. Seriously. :shiftyeyes_anim:

v Are you hungry?

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^ Nope.

< My term starts next week though.

v Are you worried about anything right now?

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^ Yes, I used to revise for exam. (Meaning, I stopped doing it, yes)

< Oh miracle! I found something to eat for lunch.

v What did you have for lunch today?

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^ 25kg of HE plastic explosives, an EM transmission jammer, an assortment of laser cutters, 2 high energy plasma cannons and a few tons of ammunition.

< :evil:

v Have you ever been lost in a large building?

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^ Me, lost?

< If I was getting lost, I'd pretend I know exactly where I am!

v Who is your favourite TDN staffer (excluding yourself, if a staffer answers)? :D

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^ Ian. :)

< Well it is fair. He runs the whole place after all.

v Do you run any websites?

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^ Not really but I should probably go to bed anyway...

< I'm sharing my room with my nana while she's here for my cousin's wedding tomorrow... and she usually wakes up at 4am x_x

v Are you a morning person or a night person?

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^ Very much a night person

< I'm on holidays and I stay up most of the night and sleep through the morning

v Do you get much sleep?

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^ What is this... 'sleep' you speak of?

< It's just past noon here anyway.

v What part of the day is it where you live?

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^ It's the afternoon here (3:53 PM)

< I slept in until 2:30 PM lol

v What is the latest you have slept in (what time)?

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^ About 4pm I believe.

< We were on a holiday someplace and I had stayed up really late.

v Where was the most recent place you visited for a holiday?

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^no where, i never been on vacation :crying:

<i love pumkins

v what are you thinking?

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^ 1+1 = 1

< My mind is extremely random. It entertains me when I'm bored.

v What do you do to entertain yourself when you're bored?

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^ I usually text someone or play my ds

< Just found out my future college holds an anime convention every year and weekly anime screenings...HURRY UP SEPTEMBER!!!

v want to go/been to college?

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^ I'm studying in University. ^_^

< Although the weird looks everybody gives me are starting to get irritating.

v Do you react when other people are giving you funny looks?

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