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Part 2?


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I've been looking around neopet for clues and i only found 2 or 3

clue 1: The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity

clue 2:Kreludan Mining Corp.

clue 3:in clue one maybe sloth discarded the plushie and now he is looking for it in kreludan, so he might of made a mining crop

to look for it but its acutely in fairyland.

if you found any more clues inform me. ^_^


hey i got to tell every one something in the second comic the cybunny jumps on the other cybunnys and if you look close you actually find a clue thats how i knew the kreldrun mine was related.


look at the cybunnys clothes and look at the scouts clothes you find a really good clue.



every body i found another clue cylara and scout got mixed up.

the grundo took scout becuase he thought it was cylara and it wasn't his fault becuase cylara thought that scout's mum and dad are her parent.

come on every one start finding clue like me.

oh yeah in the space station click where u can find a square in the holes like a man hole but it is in the walls but its square and they are kind of...

wait i can't tell u or the daily neopet staff will band me so i can't tell u how to enter part 2

sorry :sad01_anim: :sad01_anim: :*


oh my god found a great clue its not sloth which is the enemy this time i think its commander roo

don't not listen to this because it not all true

:guiltysmiley: :guiltysmiley:


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wooo hooo i am doing part 2 right now cool huh


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Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Second COMIC? I don't think there is a Part Two out yet. First of all I don't think they update the plot on weekends(I could be wrong). Secondly there has been no news about it. TDN hasn't said anything, the people on the Neoboards haven't said anything and nobody else has mentioned discovering part two. At the moment there is Part One (with the tubes) and two parts of the comic, that is all.

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Oh yeah in the space station click where u can find a square in the holes like a man hole but it is in the walls but its square and they are kind of...

wait i can't tell u or the daily neopet staff will band me so i can't tell u how to enter part 2

Then what did he think with that??.. :P Maybe there is part 2.. :P

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Why did he think TDN staff would ban him for that? It's a Neopets plot and as far as I know, sharing information about it is welcomed... I just don't think Part Two is released yet. Either that or he is the only person in the world who knows about it :P

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For the official record, The Daily Neopets does not ban people for providing clues or answers to plots on our forums. :) Please feel free to say anything. :yes: You don't even have to use spoiler tags either. :D

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Okay, let us go through some things.

You have absolutely no real clues whatsoever.


1. The point of the second comic was to have Gorix mix up the two Cybunnies. More than half of the people reading the comic could figure that out.


2. You also have the two confused. Gorix was sent to look for the 'scout', not Cylara. She is the Cybunny who went on vacation with her parents. And the scout did not mistake Cylara's parents for her own, she wanted to look like an innocent tourist when she bumped into that one Blumaroo.


3. The plot is called 'Return of Sloth', not 'Return of Commander Garoo'.

He is not the main villain. Did you even read the whole comic? Garoo said that the Space Station was know under control of Dr. Sloth.

I don't see how you could've even thought that was a 'Oh My God' factor.


4. Why in the blazes would anyone ban you for helping us on this plot? This is a TNT plot, not a TDN plot.


5. If you know how to complete Part 2 and you supposedly are doing it, why not share it? Unless you are lying just to seem cool.


6. If you are lying, please don't do that.


7. If you aren't lying, please help us out.

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I don't understand the need for the nastiness. I don't think Nightname did it maliciously.

I think the point of this forum is to help each other out, and it sounds like that was what they were trying to do even if they were a little mixed up.

I've been stalking neopets waiting for the 2nd part come out, and I've heard it'll be out soon, so here's hoping^^

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I am not being nasty.

If anyone took it wrong, then I am sorry.


But how is he helping others out when he is saying that he is doing Part 2 when it obviously hasn't been released yet, eh?

I understand how he may of tried to help, but some parts he threw in seem to be there just for someone's reaction.

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The Virtupets space station is probably covered with air vents - they have to regulate the air supply after all. :yes: And to my knowledge, part 2 still has yet to come out.

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Don't know if anyone noticed or if its been there before but... In the Maraqua Ruins theres a statue of a faerie... Not sure if its part of the plot or not. And just for the record... There isn't anything clickable in the space station, other then what's obvious. If you tab around you wont see anything, however there is room to put links somewhere else. In a few spots there are two large areas that link to the same spot.

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