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TJ's Birthday


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TJ the nutcase is the random and news obsessed staffer. He's also the only person on the News Team. What, you didn't see that coming? To get to the point, it's TJ's birthday today! Leave him a comment or send him dung. Just normal dung. Yeah. Odd. o_O

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Happy Birthday TJ!


I've thought of something! If you're about to post a message in this board, please state 1 reason why TJ is awesome! I'll start!!



1. TJ is awesome because he can have the craziest project's ideas! =]


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Hey, Happy Birthday TJ! You are totally awesome!


1. TJ is awesome because he can have the craziest project's ideas! =]

2. TJ is totally awesome because his name is in blue(and yours isn't!) :O

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=D Party for TJ!


1. TJ is awesome because he can have the craziest project's ideas! =]

2. TJ is totally awesome because his name is in blue(and yours isn't!) :O

3. TJ is absolutely, positively, 100%, no doubt about it, awesome because ;) this is him posting now. <-- TJ rocks. ;o







Night Everyone.


Edit: Banner = awesome also. ;)


Edit #2: Don't forget to check out my totally awesome lookup made for me special for my birthday. ;) here

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I wish you a very happy birthday TJ!


TJ is awesome because he respects the power of dung!

TJ is also awesome because he's dedicated enough not to notice that there is a typo in the title of his birthday topic. :P

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Happy Birthday Tj!!!



I was the first to wish him it.



and the reasone why Tj pwns



He stays up with you late. Ti 2 am or later! and then you get mad at him in the morning. but ya still love him still.

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Happy Birthday TJ!


I hope you have a very happy Bday and many more to come! :D


1- TJ is awesome because...he posts TDN's uberpwnful news! :)

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Happy Birthday, Teej. You're now older than myself, which is both scary and annoying.


But hey, since it's your birthday, shall I release that clip of you singing the Barny theme tune? :O

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Superfly's Super Birthday is today! That is so super!


Here are my views as to why TJ is awesome and whatnot:


1. He's TJ.

2. His alter-ego is Superfly

3. He can actually put up with my randomness and stuff. (Only in small doses though. He makes us all cry at night when he gets annoyed. :P)

4. 'Cause he just is.


Well, those are my reasons so far.

Oh, and he is awesome because TJ recorded Yellow Submarine. (Which is currently on his laptop that is unavailable to use at the moment.)

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Superfly's Super Birthday is today! That is so super!


Here are my views as to why TJ is awesome and whatnot:


1. He's TJ.

2. His alter-ego is Superfly

3. He can actually put up with my randomness and stuff. (Only in small doses though. He makes us all cry at night when he gets annoyed. :P )

4. 'Cause he just is.


Well, those are my reasons so far.

Oh, and he is awesome because TJ recorded Yellow Submarine. (Which is currently on his laptop that is unavailable to use at the moment.)


This one is my favorite of them all. =D lol I'll get you that Yellow Submarine ASAP, my laptop cord is supposed to be coming tomorrow. So, we'll see. *crosses fingers*

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