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New Years Eve!


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So, does anyone have any particular traditions they do for new years eve?


What are your plans this year if you don't have a tradition?


I'll go first. :P


Currently, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. No traditions or anything we normally just do what comes to us. Since my birthday is Jan 2nd (:O) when I was little we use to have sleep overs for my birthday on new years eve (since we had off school) and then we got to stay up late too, it rocked. Currently, I've been invited to one place. I'm leaning towards just a night on me computer, Umm. Umm and I are great pals. (rofl).

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Traditionally, I've been spending New Year in Florida... and we used to go see fireworks and stay up until the New Year happens, and then exchange gifts. (Well, it was more receive gifts XD)



Since I stopped going in Florida - a personal choice - I usually watch TV... All the years reviews and the Byebye show XD And that's about it! Quite entertaining. Will probably spend a good chunk online too.


Otherwise, we have a January 2nd tradition! My grandpa used to cook a Bourguignon Beef and we are still doing that... on that date, or around it.

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I don't really have a tradition.


3 Years ago: Friends House party (well his dad buys property then sells on, so we had a house with 4 floors to party in, which were planning to be redone as flats, Didn't end well: some drunken person broke the plumbing.

(Yet somehow a hobo made it past the bouncer, when you needed a ticket o_O)


2 Years ago, Stayed in, watched some tv, countdown, etc.


1 Year ago, same mate house party (family house), weren't as big as 3 years ago, yet it was better, Yet ended bad.


This year, NO PLAN :O, There are 1 or 2 maybe plans, but nothing deffo yet. which is far annoying.

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I do absolutely nothing. :D

Actually, I just stay up past midnight on New Years Eve and stare at the giant ball that floats down in New York City on television. Totally awesome.


I'm looking forward to spending quality time with my pets:


-Flizzardo the Chinese Water Dragon

-Pablo the Unofficial Mexican Goldfish

-Wake the Green Anole

-Tide the Bahamian Anole

-Flo the Bahamian Anole

-Rocky the Beta/Fighting Fish (For all you movie addicts out there, you should find this name midly amusing)


Let's not forget my sweet computer!

I am still thinking of a name for her/him.


Whoops, I forgot about my new DS Lite. His name is Morph.

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My mom usally throws a party and I invite all my friends and stuff

we watch the ball drop in NY on tv someday I'll actually go see it in person

oh yeah also I met the kid on line 3 yrs ago whos friends with one of my friends but we tell everyone we met online (kinda dumb I know, amusing to us hehe) and the only time we ever talk is New Years on AIM

I sit on the computer when I get bored with my friends (Im horrible I know!!!)

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My plan? I'll mount a clandestine invasion of key military installations around the world and- *cough*, *cough* I mean, I'll just be on my computer watching everybody else get hyped up. :P

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I don't really have any New Year's traditions...mostly jsut stay up late and watch the ball drop in Times Square (on TV of course :))


I thought I might share my New Year's resolutions here as well!


On Neopets: Stop spending Neopoints....its kind of vague but I tend to spend massive amounts of Neopoints everyday....you should've seen me buying Christmas presents! xD


Off Neopets: This is lame, but I want to master MySQL....its been giving me lots of trouble. Well, more than HTML, PHP, CSS, and Java combined!!

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I don't really have a tradition either, it's just known that you are supposed to go out for New Years. However, I will be at home spending time with my sleeping daughter and my computer when New Years hits lol. I think that sounds like a lot of, and it's much cheaper than going out!

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Well, I watched the Reveillon on TV (a show with 4 of the best Portuguese comedians, Gato Fedorento).


It was a good show, and then at midnight I watched the fireworks. End. :P

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