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Christmas is a sad time..

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It is a sad time for me since my sister died in Christmas 2002.. ._.

She died from a brain tumor (cancer).

What's worse, I lost ANOTHER person last year who was a friend of mine on December 17th.

I don't really get excited for Christmas anymore. u_u


I know what you mean. On Christmas Eve of 2005 my grandfather died of heart failure at 61. T^T


Shizue....thats so sad! TT^TTTT Wahhhh!! I mean your sister died! I feel for you man not mine. My sister beats me up and make fun of me at school with her friend and as soon as you meet my sister you can clearly see that she has no love for me whatsoever.... THinking of my sister boils my blood.... I hate her so much! ARGH! oh yeah about your sisterXP to bad she died It a sad day for christmas but it faith you know? We all die somedays!


Sorry Shuize if I hurted your feelings or anything.... But the point is that it natural to feel sad to lose two people who are highly valuable to you, BUt it okay. Beause christmas is alla bout happiness. Why not put some flowers on your sister or friends funeral as a *christmas present* =)


That's just sad, having people die during a supposedly festive occasion... my condolences.


yes.... Let's take a moment of silence *silence*.......... And were back.... I feel sorry for your sister mostly cause she awas close to you may be pray to god that this horrible events will not be repeated.... again.....


Jennifer please just stop talking, you aren't helping this situation at all... You REALLY need to think before you post sometimes, because you are going to end up insulting/hurting people's feelings like you probably did today. I am very sorry for your loss Shiuze, I hope you try and enjoy the festive season this year.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Nobody ever knows what to say to make a person feel better about their loss, but I’ll be glad to listen if you need someone to talk to.


I am very sorry to hear that, Shiuze.

Although I have never lost a family member or relative yet in my lifetime (or old enough to remember), I know that it must be a horrible feeling to have. Especially since your losses were around a huge holiday. Once again, I apologize dearly for the death of your friend and sister.


That must be really hard. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time... I haven't lost anyone really close to me, so I can't say I understand what you're going through, but I do think that your sister would want you to try and enjoy Christmas. Maybe you could start a new holiday tradition in her memory?


I guess I only lost one realitive O.O in hong kong i did'nt talk to her much so yeah I don't know her much still Sorry shuize if I hurt your feelings again.... I hope one day you can actually find Chrismas happy someday ^^


Wow. I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother two days before Thanksgiving a few years ago. It broke my heart, but I have moved on. I hope you feel better soon.


Me too Shuize! I hope one day you can find christmas cheerful again! losing two peoplee on christmas at one is really unfornate hope one day god will bless you in a happier day filled with flowers and smiles everywhere:D


Thank you everyone .-. Yeah...Maybe I should start a holiday for her but I still need a name for it ><

But, it still hurts me, you know?


I can understand that.


Why don't you name the holiday after her?


How about Loving day? I mean you loved all your people and stuff :crying:


Shiuze, I perfectly understand you, about that...



It's never easy to lose a familly member or a person close to us... and it's worse when it happens in the Holidays, because everybody is happy, but you... and yeah, it make it worse =/


My grandpa died on a January 1st... from a Cancer too, and I'm still not over it, although it's been more than 10 years now... (It's also kinda ruinning Christmas for me as well... and New Year =/ I'm not doing anything special this year, though. I don't feel like it at all)


Anyway, I'm with you.


I wish i could go up to you to give you a present =(

How about a item from neopets? I mean I know it not much but... I don't know where you live and I don't have the money to get to you...

Sorry about your sister and your friend. Just to tell you Your not the only one. There many other there who lost more than you. There family... There home. You name it. Christmas was said to be the happiest time of the year for some it is the saddest time of year... I hope you can find christmas rewarding once again. *sign*If were gonna make you enjoy christmas again let start for a little hliday boost ^^ Like I said I can't go up to you for a present so how about a neopet present? You name it as long as it under 100k plase X.X.... But I'll make paint brushes an exec6tion by under 200k hope this make you happy for christmas for a while...

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