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Games Master Challenge: Day 4 and 5

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Games Master Challenge page has been officially released. So be sure to check that out for future details on AAA and the Games Master Challenge.




Day 4 Information

Secret Game: 800+ in Goparokko

Theme Games: Petpetsitter (300), Petpet Cannonball (50), Feed Florg (80), and Snowbeast Snackrifice (50).


Day 5 Information

Secret Game: 100+ in Jolly Jugglers

Theme Games: Snowmuncher (700), Ice Cream Machine (1200), Snow Wars II (125), and Snowball Fight (175).


AAA wastes no time! The next set of challenges are all ready out, but the old ones are still completable -


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In need another username to sen a challenge to - feel free to send some to niekie1 in return!

In need another username to sen a challenge to - feel free to send some to niekie1 in return!
- thx very much :)


Is there anybody else I could send a challenge too? (I'm at neopets since around 20 days and I only have 2 friends)

Guest lollipop

Oh no, I am under 13 so I can't send a challenge card to a friend. That is soo anoying!!! I think I'm gonna cry!!! :crying:


you can send some to omglookaninja b) these challenges were much easier than the ones yesterday for me. jelly blobs of doom took me forever! :grrr:


It's me again. (And just when you thought it was safe to come back...)


Oh no, I am under 13 so I can't send a challenge card to a friend. That is soo anoying!!! I think I'm gonna cry!!! :crying:

First of all, to make the tags work, you must put the text inside of them, like this: [tag]Text here.[/tag] Second of all, I'm under 13 too, and I can send challenge cards. See, go to a page with a game on it (not the game itself) and look in the bottom right hand corner. 'Send Challenge Card' or something like that should appear when you mouse over it. Click, and you will be brought to a page where you can enter a username and press enter. Easy as pie.


Also, TNT would never make such a mistake. It's okay to trust people! :)


I just noticed a game which will make getting that ultimate prize really really hard.


In the end, we will have had sent scores, for each game, BUT I noticed one game which is alsmots impossible




To get a score, you have to hit it, and that it hard :P


I'm getting rid of all the challenging games right now. I used Dar-BLAT!!! as one today. I managed to hit 'em good!

So far, I am able to complete each challenge on the day it was given out. No backtracking for me. :)

Although Snowbeast Snackrifice was a real pain.

Guest Guest(Magician)

give it to ristelmagician ;) Good luck, team ;DD ^_^


I sent 5 challenges to 1 person but sent for different games and it worked for me b)


It took whole day for me to get the snowbeast snackrifice done.. Dar-Blat! will be a lot easyer - it's just pure luck: keep hitting it at the same time every time and you'll finally hit it without even looking at it.

Guest JK_hexhibitionistje


I used some of the names here in the forum to send challenge cards, feel free to use mine, if still necessary! Thanks all :)


> hexhibitionistje


w00t managed all the challenges today but snackrifice took me hours to get though xD


I did dar-blat yesterday cause I had never scored in it before, will probably do splath-a-sloth tomorrow cause it's the same concept...


Maybe I should join this forum... XD


If you people need people to send challenges to that haven't already, Quate will take them (All will be declined, however. Unless if you want a real battle). Although I might not be able to (under 13), you can try anyway.


Snowbeast Snackrifice was too hard to do on this slow machine; I had to move computers. Everything else requiring scores was easy. Even Dar-BLAT! was easy (I got lucky, though. I had never done it before.)


Woot, shiny new trophy!


Lol, I haven't had any trouble with any of the challenges yet, not even Snowbeast Snackrifice (I surprised myself). Each challenge is one step closer to the ultimate trophy


*heavenly choir* trophy_8_1ebb448028.gif I am not worthy *bows*


i am an idiot :S i stuck on the water thing-y :snorkle: game and Snow beast Snackrifice o_O o_O


Oh goodness, Snowbeast Snackrifice is really hard. It took me about seven tries and it was game over at exactly 50 points. *phew*

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