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Last to post wins!

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You all shall be my salves 'cause I'm king.


You all shall be my salves 'cause I'm king.


King? You're a gal, meaning that you'd be a Queen.


Did someone say Salve? Reminds of that Ren & Stimpy episode with that Salve Salesman.


I'm not sure about me being King. I'd rather let King Dedede be King when he comes over.


I wonder when this game will end? *goes deep into thought*


This game... has no set end. It'll go on for ages!






















jezs pls






















I'm not sure who'll win this for certain...


"I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess."


Every time you eat ramen, do 6 sit-ups.


Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together.


When I :rock:, I get dizzy and feel like an :oneeyed01:. But that is fine, because after that I :sleeping_03anim:. When I wake up I feel (: and then I'm like :woot: because I'll be going :snorkle: soon with my awesome :bike:.

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