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The Person Below Me


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True. :D You're too awesome.


TPBM thinks I'm as awesome as Fluffy Minion #12

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Random event? No, I don't think so. The only PB I've won was from Key Quest. :( Sooo, false!


TPBM has won something BIG from Buried Treasure before.

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Both true and false. True because I don't have that amount; false because it's not as impressive as others, who I am truly jealous of. :)


TPBM sucks at the game Wicked Wocky Wobble

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False. :( I've been posting at the boards and going in between Pet lookups and the SDB and other stuff, but...nope. *prods TNT* Gimee!


TPBM has seen and enjoyed the film Sweeney Todd

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Very, very true. I get every other game, just not football. (I'm talking about American football, the one played with quarterbacks. (I think.))


TPBM has run around for absolutely no purpose for half an hour.

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Who hasn't?!


The person below me has seen Twilight numerous times (I'm only on 5 :( guy in work saw it for the 11th time today)

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True. More than half an hour, to be honest. I know someone who got overexcited when she fed he first Kadoatie. She ran around for 2 hours, then tripped. She would have continued otherwise.


TPBM has watched Carry On Screaming.

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