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Guest Kaguroi Haato



I dare the next to post to change their member title to "I love me" in their first language for 3 hours.

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Accepted, plus a little extra. XP


I dare the next person to make their dare to be "I dare the next person to erase all of their dares, and then never do another dare again." I've my reasons...

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

Accepted, I want that hotdog image gone.


I dare the next person to erase all of their dares, and then never do another dare again.

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

I'll take off the taco one, the others I'll keep for a while


I dare the next to post to add "Veronique loves me" in their sig.

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

Accepted. ((Opps, I have no arch foe. X3))


I dare the next person to put, "Ow, fire hot!" In their sig for a day.

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I dare the next person to put in their siggy for a week. In kinda big letter I LOVE DILLON!!!!

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

Accepted, I couldn't if I tried


I dare the next person to put, "METROID KILLED ME!!" in their sig for three days.

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But how will you see me do the funky chicken?



I dare the next person to show their love for Avatar the Last Airbender by putting something related to ATLA in they siggy.

Nothing big!


However, it must be visible by all (yes, that means you can't use the color white!)

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

I can't guarentee that, because I am not participating.


I dare the next to post to change their avatar to the one I am using for 3 days. XD

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I dare the next person to put in their siggy for a week. In kinda big letter I LOVE DILLON!!!!

Not until some one does my dare.

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