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17 members have voted

  1. 1. So what makes you go in a shop?

    • A good Shopkeeper
    • Music
    • A nice Background
    • other (please specify)
    • Cheap prices
    • 'Freebies'

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I have a strategy that's worked great for me...

First, find a neopets item that is in high demand. I use omelettes; because they are a cheap food, many users buy them every day to feed to their neopets. Then, buy a large amount of this item and stock your shop with some. I go for 10% of what my shop holds - if your shop can hold 100 items, than stock 10 omelettes. Make sure you price the item a decent amount below the SW average - the most common types of omelettes sell or around 10 NPs, so I sell them for 5 NPs.


This will attract lots of people to your shop. While they're there buying omelettes (or whatever), they'll also take a look around at what else you have in stock. So for a cheap price, you get lots of traffic. ^_^


Seriously.... nothing is making me go in a shop, unless I need to buy something or if I'm sniping items to restock my own shop.


BUT, I visit my friends' shops, guild members' shops and occasionnaly TDN forumers' shops... and I buy one or two things to help out. ;)


I use torriditys method, Whenever i go shopping (not often) i normally go to buy omelette's, and whenever i go into one shop, i always look around for other items that may interest me.

Like yesterday, when getting omelettes to feed my pet for the new DONII. i went into one shop just to buy omelettes, came out the shop with 5 omelettes, and managed to gfet a striped paint brush for 50k :D


Okay, keep all of your prices a few neopoints below shop wizard price. Secondly, don't crowd the shop with graphics and music. It takes a while for the shop to load, and people will get impatient and leave (especially those with dial-up x_x). Most of all, if you're over 13, advertise your shop on the shop boards. :D


I'd have to say that the biggest deterant in shops is the music and wierd colours. I don't care how low your prices are (unless they're REALLY low) if I'm looking for something and I go into your shop and your music is playing over my music and your background is blinding yellow/pink or really dark blue and I have to highlight things to see it.. I'm getting only what I need and I'm leaving... or I might just leave.


The multiple personality quizzes and ads aren't too bad for me cuz I'll use the "find" to get the item I need.


I also find, even though people like it sometimes, that shops with more than 160 or say 320 MAX items is a deterant. Usually I'm not browsing so I get the item and go, but if I feel like browsing I like to not have to search pages for something that might or might not be there.


To attract people I do what torridity does, kind of. I get all my dailies for a few days and keep it all in my inventory then I'll send it all to my shop and price to sell... it's nice to get a few thousand instead of a few hundred too. Generally if I have something that's not a cheap item I'll go advertise... but that rarely happens.


Also, if you're trying to sell something that you got from a daily or something and it hasn't sold in a few days, drop the price by a few NPs since it's probly gone down a bit since you last looked. You don't have to look through the shop wizard each time, just drop it by 2 or 3NPs


Cheap prices, isn't that why we all spend a whole amount of time refreshing shops? I hate music and backgrounds on shops. I don't mind if they have a simple background and a nice melody, but nowadays most shops are a huge mess! Sometimes I have to close my window because they have a lot of coding and useless stuff. In the end, the one who loses is the owner because, I can go somewhere else and get the item. So if you have a whole bunch of images and useless stuff for coding, take it down now!


I go to shops with cheap prices. Its really as simple as that lol If I search on the SWW for whatever I need I'll just click on the first one to come up. Sometimes if its priced really cheaply then I'll check out what other stuff they have but usually I just buy what I need.


I agree with what most people are saying though - music and lots of ads/pictures usually mean I won't buy from the shop even if their items are priced below SSW price.



EDIT: I've just had a look at your shop and the stuff's a little expensive... try pricing by the shop wizard, and putting your stuff cheaper than the cheapest you find.

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