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Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ


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I want to visit the Crash Site!? Let's Go!



Hey everyone, I'm just doing a little study on the new 'dailie' and was wondering what you have all gotton from this picky rock. Any type of feedback would be wonderfully appreciated.


I know it's random but I thought here would be a nice place to ask around.



Below is what I have gotton so far:








Random Objects:


None yet recorded.



"This must not be your lucky day. The meteor just disappeared."

"Meteors are funny like that. They just don't feel like company sometimes.

"You stare at the now empty space and wonder what happened."

"This must not be your lucky day. The meteor just disappeared."

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It's always pooffing on me. Or that crazed psycho attacks me. It's quite unpleasent


Meteors are funny like that. They just don't feel like company sometimes.

Try again later.


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I've gotten about 6 Slimesicles, 2 Slime Covered Windows, and 1 Slime Ghostkersandwich.



I'm sensing a pattern for me, lol.

I think almost every other time it's disappeared.


edit- 8/23/07

I got 'Cherries Jubalee' today.


edit- 9/10/07

I got an 'Upsidown Tree' today

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I've never won anything from the Meteor. It always runs away from me. Sometimes I wonder if it thinks I stink, but then I realize how right I am. Maybe I should change my avatar from "I'm Smelly." v_v;;

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You can poke the meteor every hour... so if you don't get something at your first attempt, try again later.


I often get intergalatic beans or some kind of meteor rocks. I'll try to pay attention from now on and edit this post everytime I get something new ;)


August 29th


Tasty Fungus


August 30th



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