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So today, while I was pricing my items via shop wizard, I finished what I was doing on the first page which was ordered by ID, but removed a couple of items, and pressed update twice by accident. It gave me an error that said that I was trying to remove something from my shop that wasn't there anymore. No big deal. I went back, and checked the prices of everything which looked like they were still good, and pressed update again. I continued to price more items. Then, I pressed order by price, which took me to my cheapest items, and found out half my items were mispriced! A couple of my high-ish cost items were priced at half the price, and I quickly fixed those. Unfortunately, I was too late in fixing this:


and I ended up selling a Vux codestone for less than 1/4 of the market price. At least I got it free from the battledome.

Is this a known glitch? Has anybody experienced this before? I couldn't find anything about this by googling. I'm guessing it happened because of my double clicking by accident in combination with removing items from the shop. But now I know to be extra careful.


When you get an error after you update and you click back, the prices you typed in previously are there but the items locations have changed if you sorting them by price and if there are more than 1 unpriced items. So say you have 10 unpriced items, and you clicked back, the prices stays the same but the items locations have changed, so best to always do a f5 to refresh the page.

And even tho getting an error after you clicked update, items that you remove are already removed when you click the back button. Page may not refresh when you click back. 

On 2/25/2021 at 7:19 AM, Angeló said:

I had no idea you can sort your items by price / ID number etc

How do you do that ?

You need more than 30 unique items in your shop, then under the shop keeper, you'll see "Order By Cost". If you click on that, it'll order your items by cost instead of ID number. I just noticed the "Find" function though, which I don't remember ever seeing! Don't know if that's new or if I've just been unobservant.


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