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AC : the badges are finaly updated!


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Going by HBKs info, while playing the 38 hours of Yooyuball, you only scored, on average, about 2/3 goals a game, which isn't that hard to do, if I'm perfectly honest. But I suppose it's wins that count...

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Level 17

Goals Scored 3,815

Number of Wins 1,609

Number of Draws 2

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger

Games Played 2

Make Some Noise

Games Played 39


My new scores. Nearly All-Star. :P

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WOW! *stares in amazement* I'm way too busy to play neopets that much.. That and I have dial up *shakes fist EXTREMELY threateningly at dial up* Argh.. I have only played around 100 games.. But I play with style.. I have scored about 800 goals... Boo-YAH! Heh...

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Goals Scored 67

Number of Wins 16

Number of Draws 5

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger

Games Played 1

Make Some Noise

Games Played 13


And this is what I get when the AC is released during exams >.< Oh well, I guess I now have 4 days holiday to catch up...

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you still have school?... weird...I thought it's summer vacation for everyone...


I got to level 11 already and I work on getting that 16 level shield...


here is a guide for levels if anyone still has trouble with it : http://www.neopets.com/~Altador_Cup_Emporium


though I think it's not updated...

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Well, university actually, and I'm in the Southern hemisphere so its winter here... no summer holidays for me lol


I'm bored with the AC games already though so I don't think I'll get past level 1 anyway >.<

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You joined Team Maraqua on 1st June.




Goals Scored 4,992

Number of Wins 2,173

Number of Draws 2

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger

Games Played 2

Make Some Noise

Games Played 61


Finally All-Star. :P

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