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Today is my lucky day. (I feel bad for this part though) Someone is quitting, so they are giving away items, which i usually never get.

but I got a rock n' roll usuki.


then i got this RE

Something has happened! easter_bunny.gif

The Easter Cybunny gives you an easter Negg!! Cool!


And not even 10 minutes later got this one:

Something has happened! shop.gif Your shop has suddenly increased in size! Wonder how that happened.

As I was quick stocking (and putting the negg in my shop) :)



This is the most amazing thing ever! But I recently got the avatar with the help of TDN ^_^ Something has happened! petpetpet_1.gif Ohhh how cute. It seems Pawsnraf has got a Mootix in its mouth. Have you been feeding it lately?


Something has happened! petpetlab_05.gif You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


Just found this while browsing the Neoboards. :)



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


This is always a good sign. Got this while playing Bilge Dice. I can hopefully bulk up on the Codestone REs and rebuild my lost profit from those Lab Map Pieces.


Something has happened! plu_draik_desert.gif You find Desert Draik Plushie on the floor!

:O soooo cute! ^_^ ♥


edit: just checked the tp...150K.... :O


Something has happened! toy_springgiftbasket.gif You stumble upon a hidden Spring Gift Basket filled with all sorts of goodies!

:) i love spring ^_^



edit: checked ssw, not there... :O


Checked TP: cheapest is 200K! I'm getting some good RE's lately :D


Jacky, you really rocked the house with your Premium RE and your Spring Gift Basket RE.



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Got this at the Money Tree.


Something has happened! capt_scarblade.gif You hear the cackling of a MAD PIRATE CAPTAIN.


Just found this RE while visiting Tyrannia. What's he doing way over there, shouldn't he be on Krawk Island? xD


Something has happened! joinothers.gif Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send neopets to friends?? Fill in a simple form here'


I got this one for viewing my Neomail. :)


A Water Faerie sniffs and says, "You probably won't help, but I need The Legend of Count von Roo for my studies. I can't tell you why."


Yah! i love getting quests :D



Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!


Something has happened! blackpteri.gif The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear...


Which means...



The Black Pteri will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

He sits and watches the world, and knows that THEY are coming soon..."


I finally got the Black Pteri as a BD Challenger and can try for the Avatar!



Something Has Happened! blackPteri.gif You are now eligible to use 'Black Pteri' as an avatar on the Neoboards!


Faerie quest: battle faerie asking for: a day in the life of king roo :D *cracked up laughing when I saw the item she was asking for* FREE TRIPPLE STAT INCREASE!

A ghost steals 100NP from you and puts it on the money tree


Something has happened! Some members of the Pocket Change Redistribution Committee approach you and "appropriate" -100 NP that you had in your pockets!


Never got this RE before! I earned 100 NP :)


Something has happened!

foo_negg_paper.gif You find a Paper Negg on the floor!


I found this while searching the SW for Edna's quest.


Something has happened! scorchio_green_happy.gif A green scorchio flies past and says 'Hope you are having fun!'



Yes thank you scorchio would probably be having more fun if you were giving out an item though :P




Ok seems the Scorchio was listening ha ha Something has happened! 50neopoints.gif Congratulations, bre_lily, you just found 50 Neopoints on the floor!



Chopius has gotten stronger!!!


I got this one on one of my side accounts, never expected that to occur.



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Awesome! Got this one over at the Money Tree. Free Codestones for the win! :D


I found a Lab Map Piece today in the stocks!

Unfortunately it's not the piece I needed :(

But on the bright side, it's the most valuable RE I got since I started playing again this year :D



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 50 Neopoints on the floor!


Got this at the Healing Springs before healing my pet.

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