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Something has happened!


The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your neopets are healed back to max hit points


Something has happened! water.gif Your Neopets stomach is rumbling.... I think they would like a Bottle of Water! You better buy one for them :)



0_o I guess Gunnslinger is on a diet XD


Something has happened!
The Monocerous growls 'Over the last month I have eaten 39 Wockys'


eeekk scary.. :sad02: (and somehow when i posted it here.. the image got BIGGER)





Count Von Roo will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

This is not just any Count, it is Count Von Roo, and he is out to get some blood!




Count Von Roo

appears in a puff of smoke and bites Hiss_Dragon05 on the neck! Ouch!


This is the first random event I have had in a few days. Glad it was a good one!

Something has happened! ghostlupe.gif The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Something has happened!






Meuka slimes up and eats your 'Illusens Cream Cookie', but the good news is that he left you a lovely lump of Snot!


Vira laughs maniacally at you... 'Fancy a fight in the Battledome?'





I won the Deserted Tomb treasure (codestone) AND got another codestone from a random event on the same page !! weird huh ?


too bad no avatar still !!!


Something has happened!

A Neopets 7th Birthday Goodie Bag suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. You should see what's inside!


I got it after submitting my joke to the Grumpy Old King.



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Haven't received one of these in a week or so, but that's always a nice thing. It's a Bri Codestone as pictured.


Hooray, I need all the neopoints I can get right now saving for another chia plushie.

Something has happened! 500neopoints.gif Congratulations, sftangliz, you just found 500 Neopoints on the floor!!!


Something has happened! babyray.gif

Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns Selrine into a Baby Lutari!!!




Nooooo, shoot, I had her as Desert. Now I'll have to decide if I want to start Lab Raying again or buy a Paint Brush


Something has happened! babyray.gif

Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns Selrine into a Baby Lutari!!!




Nooooo, shoot, I had her as Desert. Now I'll have to decide if I want to start Lab Raying again or buy a Paint Brush

Aww, that sucks! I had never even heard of Boochi until one of my pets got hit a while back. It seems to be a more common event than I realized! Baby lutaris are pretty cute, though. :)





I also found 100 neopoints on the floor today. ^_^



You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


Happened while playing Petpet Battles, too.


I also got a bizarre Level increase on a side account earlier as well.


Congratulations, khiagirl, you just found 750 Neopoints on the floor!!!


Wonderful! Not that 750 is anything, it's going right back to the money tree... :)

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