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wow lucky!


i got this while buying coffee in someones shop :)


Something has happened!


You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


Random events always freak me out, because I always think it's gonna be something bad. And then something like this happens... :laughingsmiley:


Something has happened! poogle_red_happy.gif A red poogle hops past and says 'Hi!'


creeepy D: but i already have him as a battledom opponent. Something has happened! blackpteri.gif The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear...





Pant Devil Attack!The pant devil attacks!!! He steals 'Chocolate Lupe Treat'




and AFTER that,

Something has happened! evil_ghost.gif A Ghost takes 100 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!


I think that I got one of them Codestone Random Events. I got a Lu Codestone out of it.


Something has happened! bullies.gif Some members of the Pocket Change Redistribution Committee approach you and "appropriate" 711 NP that you had in your pockets!


I'm so telling on these guys ! *goes to principal's office*


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous roars 'Once I ate 16 Jub Jubs in a week!'

Not only is that gross... I'd rather you give me some super rare item! *wishes really hard*


got this when I was Neomailing Sweetdang. :O

Something has happened! evil_pantdevil.gif The pant devil attacks!!! He steals Skeith Inspired Treasure Maps





Lippstik has gotten stronger!!!


...and she's not even my Battle Pet, firefly_goblin is. Should of happened to my Kiko instead.


I got some nps events and a fire faerie quest which i just now remembered i had lol


While playing Neoquest to in search of my avatars I found this: Something has happened! 1000neopoints.gif Congratulations, khiagirl, you just found 1000 Neopoints on the floor!


Something has happened!

Congratulations, spritzieblue, you just found 20 Neopoints on the floor!


Found while searching Abigail's prizes on the SW.

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