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Something has happened!

The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Oh well, could have been worse, right?



Sssidney whispersss 'Sssoo... have you been to the Deserted Fairground lately???'


Got this while lurking the Games Room.


I got two faerie quests today :D So much better than paying for training!


Something has happened!

Congratulations! You have been hacked!


This RE would be perfect for today .. But I did get this one: Something has happened! med_237.gif

Wow! The Iyana the Earth Faerie Collectable

Card has magically found its way into your NeoDeck!


And I've found a Mau Codestone earlier.


Something has Happened!

A Ghost takes 150 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!


This is one I haven't gotten in awhile. It's usually the Bug Brothers taking my NP.


Really? Awesome!


I got this after doing my dailies:



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


just got the bug saying "i'm going to eat all your food!!"


all my pets are in the neolodge, go ahead. :P




Something has happened!

The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals Petpet Laboratory Map


akk!!! >.< blasted sloth minion!!


Something has happened!






A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you a Trading Card and says, "This will be a nice addition to your album!"


Something has happened! evil_ghost.gif A Ghost cackles insanely and steals 40 Neopoints from you...


aww :( happened while i was checking my auction page, good news is i found a buyer for my magical pirate krawk plushie!! :D


The dark faerie made Whinny sick :sad01_anim:


but, I also got a joint of ham and yesterday got a hat from random events so it's alright :)



Nigel the Stockbroker Chia says 'Have you considered investing in HUW (Huberts Hot Dogs)??'


Got this one while entering my inventory. More useless REs piling up...


Something has happened! food_crepe_thistleberry.gif You find Thistleberry Crepe on the floor!



yay! 13k :D usually when I find stuff like this ist a 1np item :P








Shadow Usul will be waiting for you in theBATTLEDOME!!!

The Shadow Usul plans to use every tool at her disposal to defeat you. Yes, she can be very evil and cunning so watch out!

Something has happened! shadow_usul80.gifWhat was that sound? Your Healing Potion II is nowhere to be seen! Who could have taken it?




You have just received a bonus item for completing all three Haunted Woods Quests!


Tales of the Esophagor


Check your Inventory

Visit Edna's Spooky Surprise


Thankyou, you are correct!

Now that you have provided the correct information to the Brain Tree, it is his turn to reward you. He gives you the following magical item, and also 3664 NP!

Your Neopoint reward has been entered into the Brain Tree High Score Table. bd_attackfork.gif

Attack Fork



The Brain Tree will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

With its massive intellect, and rather sharp branches, the Brain Tree can defeat you merely by thinking about it. Be scared!


Something has happened! nightmare.gif

All your Neopoints have been stolen, and all your items, and all your pets are sick, and your stocks have ... oh wait, it was just a horrible, horrible dream.



ahhh!! oh wait. *breathes sigh of relief*



and during todays dailies :O spoilered because there is ALOT




Something has happened! codestone2.gif You find a mystical codestone on the floor!

Something has happened! bugbros.gif The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 11 Neopoints!!




Shadow Usul will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

The Shadow Usul plans to use every tool at her disposal to defeat you. Yes, she can be very evil and cunning so watch out!

Something has happened! shadow_usul80.gif What was that sound? Your Forgotten Shore Map Piece is nowhere to be seen! Who could have taken it?



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