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Something has happened!

The tooth faerie arrives for your lost tooth, and gives you an avatar in return!


Good to get these free stuff :D


An ominous looking Red Pteri flies by. "I hope you didn't want to actually do anything on the site today." *BRAAWWKK*


huh ? what ? first time i see this event ....


Something has happened!

The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Right after going to the Healing Springs and getting a healing potion instead. :D




Count Von Roo will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


This is not just any Count, it is Count Von Roo, and he is out to get some blood!


Something has happened!

Count Von Roo appears in a puff of smoke and bites lady_donella on the neck! Ouch!


Wow, I didn't even know this was a random event.


"Something has happened! Hojoko has gotten stronger!!!"


Seriously? The reason I put Daisy on my account was so she'd get all the REs and faerie quests <_< Instead, they gave the boost to my lab rat, who isn't even my active


Sighh...I can't win



Something has happened!

A Ghost takes 24 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!


This was while playing Neoquest again. I'm still trying for that trohpy :king:


Something has happened!

You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


Sweet, just 6 more pieces to go. ^_^

I found this piece:



Got a quest for the Crafting Faerie, rejected it, and got a quest for the Air Faerie. Come on Fountain Faerie!! :D


Something has happened!

The pant devil attacks!!! He steals Orange Worm


<_< And I was about to pick up my last worm in 5 minutes. At least it wasn't my black one.



Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


While playing Neoquest 1 and wondering if I'm ever going to finish this game.


I only seem to get codestones now a days. The best random event I have even gotten... maybe a codestone one <_<

I never get lucky with REs. At least codestone prices are going up.

Ooh, me wants codestones!


I've gotten a secret petpet laboratory map piece yesterday, I rarely get REs nowadays. <_<



You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


Something has happened!

Eligibility has suddenly come down with a bad case of Neowarts!!!



At least the cure is pretty cheap.


Something has happened!

The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!



Ironically, he came just as this was happening:


The Water Faerie says a few magical words and...


All your Neopets have their health completely restored!!!


Something has happened!


The Darkest Faerie appears and decides to give one of your pets a disease. What did you ever do to her?! You'd better go check on your pets to see what happened.



first time this happened to me lol :mellow:



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 50 Neopoints on the floor!


Happened after completing a Water Faerie Quest today.



An Alien Aisha gives you a Basic Golden Nerkmid!!!


My first free Nerkmid, huzzah! I'll use this for the Avatar.

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