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Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


(Har) I'm glad I've been getting more Codestone REs again. My Draik needs to get some training done.


Something has happened!

For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 140 Neopoints!!!


Something has happened! Congratulations, rachany, you just found 500 Neopoints on the floor!!!


Yay, an additional 500np to add to my bank account :)


I have barely been on Neopets today, but somehow I've managed to miss two REs. Because I suddenly had a Decorative Negg in my inventory, and I was on a Fire Faerie Quest... o.O;


Something Has Happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Main Codestone


Yay most horde more codestones for my Valephenia's training xD




Vira will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


What a horrible creature!!!


Something has happened!

Vira laughs maniacally at you... 'Fancy a fight in the Battledome?'


Something has happened!

You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


Something has happened!

You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!


Wow, well if I can't win the dice-a-roo avatar I'll take 2 map pieces.


Something has happened!

The Golden Pteri flies overhead, but none of your Neopets are Pteris so he just flies away.


hmm still havent gotten the spring RE yet.


Something has happened!

You found a piece of the secret laboratory map!



whohoo!!!!!!!! :D


Something has happened!

A robot flies past you on fire! Help! Help! Dr. Sloth is after me!


Oh no! Everybody, hide! :P


Something has happened!

Your shop has suddenly increased in size! Wonder how that happened.


I've never heard of this one before :O


Something has happened!

Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!




Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Something has happened!

A Neopets 7th Birthday Goodie Bag suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. You should see what's inside!

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