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Today's Random Events


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Something has happened!


The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals 'Snazzy Moon Comb'


Look like he needs grooming thats why he stole my comb XD

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Hehe... look at this one, Risc!


Something has happened!

toothfaerie.gif For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 160 Neopoints!!!



:P Try and beat me in 51 minutes on most random events. You're on 2 REs, I'm on 6. :)

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:P Try and beat me in 51 minutes on most random events. You're on 2 REs, I'm on 6. :)


Look again! 4, not 2. ;D I just need 2 more, and then I win! Buahaha.

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Whoops. Just post your random events if you weren't the last poster. It's easier for me to count your REs. To make sure you're not cheating. To make sure I'm still in the lead.

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Whoops. Just post your random events if you weren't the last poster. It's easier for me to count your REs. To make sure you're not cheating. To make sure I'm still in the lead.


Lol xD Well, it was just easier to keep track of my own record. But okay. *nod*



Something has happened!

bugbros.gif The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 43 Neopoints!!

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Muahahaha... I hope you weren't planning to get a random event today... *BRAWWWWWK*


It is just a comment to you. Did I do well on my Down For Maintenance Pteri imitation? I wish I could get that as my random event #7. I still have to keep looking for that one, unfortunately... and my random event #7 is nowhere to be seen! Probably been hit by a passing random event. I hope I get the broken one soon too.

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You did very well on your DFM Pteri imitation! xD


Man, I got lucky today. I have 5 so far, when yesterday, I got 1. Neopets knows I'm trying to compete with you. *nod*

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I'll look back and see how many you've got... I'll edit this post once I have counted.


EDIT: Ok. The Orn Codestone you got yesterday was before we actually started. Only just in the lead for me, as it's 6-5 to me as of the time I clicked "Quick Edit".

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Alright. I have 30 minutes to either tie with you, or beat you ^_^ In the non-violent way, of course.


Edit: I think it's safe to say that I lost. Congrats FM#9! xD The luckiest person won, of course. <3

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Lol, you won anyway. *Jabs with a stick* Gah. You're too lucky. It's not fair.

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LOL! Out of interest, how long have you been on Neopets? If I've been on longer, I'll be so shocked. Because it isn't exactly "beginner's" luck for me. That was fun, though, wasn't it. Shame I couldn't get that DFM Pteri. I had the "Neopets is currently offline. :(" message loads of times, but not the Random Event. Do you think chances can increase if you own a Red Pteri?

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To be honest, I have no idea if the chances increase. Uuuh, I've been on Neopets since around 2000, but I've had my current account for 5 years (according to my badge ^_^). How about you?


And yeah, that was fun! Haha, it's fun competing with you. xD I never got the offline messages though

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I'll see if I can get hold of a cheap Red Paint Brush and I'll also check if there's a Red Pteri Morphing Potion available. Then I'll go around the site with a Red Pteri, looking for the DFM one. :P I've been on for 2 years. Like I said, not exactly "beginner's" luck. I think it is because I play more games and such. Especially Fetch! I am still amazed that I got given a Mutant Petpet Paint Brush from a Fire Faerie while playing it. Then the Tooth Faerie... I wonder what I will get next.


EDIT: No Red Pteri Morphing Potion exists. Evil TNT!


EDIT #2: An actual random event (that isn't as random as it may seem. I already had the challenger from another random event):Something Has Happened!

galleryofevil_vira.gif You are now eligible to use 'Gallery of Evil - Vira' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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Try to stay on topic guys :P




Something has happened!

The Swamp Ghoul says 'I will eat your Neopets for breakfast...'


Bah, as if...


Minutes later...


Something has happened!

Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send postcards to friends?? Check them out by clicking here'


Oh sure, thanks ^_^

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We were keeping on topic. We challenged each other on the Random Events: Who would get the most. Well, we moved onto a debate on the probability of the DFM Pteri RE. I'm thinking of owning a Red Pteri to try and increase the chance of getting it. Anyway, that mean ghost who bothered me earlier. He took 105 more NP from me!


EDIT: Janurary 12th 2009:

Something has happened!

ghoul.gif The Swamp Ghoul says 'You're never safe... not from the Swamp Ghoul!'

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Something has happened!

You hit the lottery!!! You won 1500 NPs.

You also won a Rubber Plant.


And the plant is worth 1.3k!

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Winter Random Event!!!

bruce_red_happy.gif A passing Bruce says 'The Ice Caves are great... but watch out for the Frost Beast'



Rather pointless, but at least it's a random event. Haven't had one of those in a while.


~ Livvy

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First screenshot opportunity had to be at the Money Tree. I already have the Spider Grundo for my Battledome 1 player challengers, so I don't have to worry. I can just battle her to get rid of the web.

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