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How did you finish the quest, if you don't mind me asking?


I ended up asking on the Quest boards on Neopets. I always ask here first, but I had been trying to buy something when I got the quest, so I decided to try my luck over there. Someone had the SSW, so I'm pretty sure I got a good price. Then again, I trust the people on these boards more.


Which leads to my next quest I got while playing Pyramids. The Darkness Faerie says 'Tum de dum... im waiting for my Blue Bike.' Don't worry. I'm going to bed now. So I will not get impatient and start rummaging around in those Avatar Item shops that charge you twice the going rate for everything. :P


Thanks Wemblin! Almost bought the one you linked to, but something in the top left corner caught my eye. Sure enough, Edmunda had sent me the nike. She's good at that! Luckily, this time I still needed it.


The Darkness Faerie says 'Wow, thanks, you found my Blue Bike!'

The Darkness Faerie laughs evilly and Vlenna has more hit points!


The funny thing is that this isn't even my pet. Someone was kind enough to lend it to me this morning even though I won't be able to send it back for a few days. I guess this is the universe's way of repaying her for her good deed!


Hey guys, I got a quest from the Dark Farie!

You have a new quest!!!

The Darkness Faerie wants you to get her 'Stamp Puzzle'!!


Also, question... if I switch my active to my other pet will it apply to the newly active pet or to the previously active pet (i.e. the one who was my active when I got the quest)?


EDIT: Already found it thanks to IrishLiz ^_^


The Darkness Faerie says 'Wow, thanks, you found my Stamp Puzzle!'

The Darkness Faerie laughs evilly and uzelikau has more hit points!


I didn't change my active... I figure she's the oldest so she should get first dibs on HP :rolleyes_anim: lol


She went from 9 HP to 11 HP! I'm excited that it jumped ahead by 2 and not 1 lol


the bonus applies to a random Neopet you have on your account. you have to hope it's the one you want!

In my experience, it just sort of picks and chooses which pet to give it to, no matter which one is or was your active, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention.

That's always fun I guess! I would have been happy for either of my pets to get it. My Gnorbu is catching up fast to my Kau even though she's about half her age.


Thanks to both of you for looking! ^_^


I got an Air Faerie quest today to look for Golden Compact of Altador if anyone would be so kind as to link me somewhere that's selling it. Side note I'm dumb and keep forgetting I'm on the quest until I click the shop wizard...


Edit: ugh, that was expensive but I got some increased movement. Thanks though!


If anyone would be so kind as to find a cheap(ish) Wizard link for me:


The light faerie asked for:


Kargrax the Defender


I would really appreciate any help, and I'm always willing to return the favor!!!


I'm looking for a Kargrax the Defender card for a Light Faerie quest.. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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The cheapest I could find was here for 1330 nps.



Thank you so much!


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Anyone feel like looking for the book "How to Stay Fit" for me. I keep forgetting I'm on the quest until I try to shop wizard something else...


Edit: Sweet! Thanks! And Leonard Lennington thanks you for this increased defense too, hehe...


The Faerie Queen wants you to get her 'Asparagus Chia Treat'!! Yay! The Faerie Queen! Not as exciting at the Fountain Faerie obviously, but better than the Air Faerie by far. :)


Edit: Thanks! The Faerie Queen makes OxygenBreath super strong! She put her up to 25hps. She's not my BD pet, but I don't mind. I was training all of my Shoyrus at one point.

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