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Faerie Quest Help


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Thanks for the help! I was actually really lucky, since I had an illusen quest, but couldn't seem to find the item. Since I'm level 33, it seemed worth it to spend 150k at the tp if I do manage to get the honey potion (worth 600k) at level 35 and the person accepted my offer. Thanks for searching though!

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i need a Nanka Bottle

for the earth faerie please :)


Sorry I'm late (was playing the Altador Cup). Nanka Bottle is cheap, here's a shop that has 8 in stock:



Here's another one with plenty if you like:


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thank u :) i have another : Scorched Rhuby

for the battle faerie.


Also very cheap, found some for 100 NP, enjoy!


firegirl_7_7_7 Scorched Rhuby 1 100 NP fredakayshirlene Scorched Rhuby 1 100 NP shying72 Scorched Rhuby 1 100 NP

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Quests ahoy! This is what happens when you get addicted to the Altador Cup. :O

Time to fill in everyone's requests.


I see you haven't found my item yet. I had such hopes for you, too...


You are supposed to bring me: A Grundo Christmas


Thanks for the help TDN!







Haven't you left yet? This quest is very important. I can guarantee you won't find my item around here...


You are supposed to bring me: gro_pretzel_brush.gif

Pretzel Brush






battle faerie has asked me for - The hot dog book


can someone use the search wizard and let me know where i can getthe cheapest one from please. thanks






Can someone help me find a Stamp Bouncy Ball please >.<






Sorry for the wait!

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Ah, the Neopian returns without my item. Clearly you want me to turn you into a Blechy.


You are supposed to bring me: toy_snapping_jetsam_bath.gif

Snapping Jetsam Bath Toy






Here you are, I was feeling exhausted from the Altador cup.

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