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Faerie Quest Help


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Nobody seemed to mind me. So I'm posting again. Can anyone help me with a "Jazzmosis Biography" At least tell me who has these... Please? It's an FFQ (my second one actually...)

These have it in their gallery:

_sunder_ 1 N/A

keigo_jai 1 N/A

kobla_sugar 2 N/A

xal 1 N/A

kraan3 1 N/A

kkk3975951an 1 N/A


Should add, they're the only ones on the SSW.

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With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Green Vinyl Nimmo. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."


Doesn't she know you get more flies with honey than vinegar? Guess not :( any help is appreciated



The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Strawberry Tuskaninny Lolly."



An Air Faerie swoops down and exclaims, "Hurray, someone who can help! Please find me Factor 15 Sun Tan Lotion!"

Thank you!



Can someone please help me find The Angry Kau?

Fingers crossed that it'll be cheaper than either of my last two quests! :P

You're in luck! The Angry Kau is a very cheap item. ;)


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With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Yellow Zafara Slide Puzzle. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."


I dont want to be turned into a Blechy...PLEASE HELP ME :D



An Air Faerie swoops down and exclaims, "Hurray, someone who can help! Please find me Black Eye Liner!"


Another Air Faerie quest! Argh! Anyways, please help? Thanks in advance!

My internet is acting a little funny (only on Neopets) but this is the only cheapest one I could find. :P


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Can someone help me find New Year Fire Crackers? Help would be greatly appreciated!

Lowest priced ones I could find are located here.


the other ones were gone by the time i got to it, still need this please!!

Your inventory is full, so no item transfers. :( There's one in a shop here, or you could always just clear your inventory. ;)



Can anybody help me find Acara Compact Blush? (: The cheapest one, if possible. /: Thanks!

Cheapest I can find are here and here. Good luck!

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Item sent. Assuming I sent the right item to the right username (xD), you should receive it any moment now. :)

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Can someone please help me find a Uniocto Balloon. Thanks guys. c:

On its way to your listed account right now. :)

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On its way to your listed account right now. :)


Oh whoah, thank you so much! OwO

Do you want any np's in return? (No ones ever done that for me, lol.)


Oh, and "For your efforts, xTigga's health has increased!" Whoo! c:


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