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Faerie Quest Help


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Robin Lupe please? I'd thank in advance but don't know if you can help me.


Here you have it for 1 700 nps only!


With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Kougra Gnome-in-the-box. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."

Thank you!


Cheapest I could find (for 24 522 nps :().


AAAAAAAAH so many item requests xD

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You're lucky that it's cheap! :)


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=cowxluvr48484&buy_obj_info_id=26084&buy_cost_neopoints=1185 1 in stock

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=dixieangeldkd&buy_obj_info_id=26084&buy_cost_neopoints=1200 1 in stock

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=7erdbeere7&buy_obj_info_id=26084&buy_cost_neopoints=1300 1 in stock


Hope this helped :)


EDIT: A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Woollen Scarf!" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!"


Can someone please help ^_^

Thanks so much for your help. If you still need the Woollen Scarf, you can find it here for pretty cheap.



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@Alphabet: Those are nearly unbuyable now. Turn down the request.


If someone would be so kind, I need a Magic Deck. :D

Ugh, thank you. It was just for a Fire Faerie anyways. :P


I am sorry, though. Nothing turned up for a Magic Deck in the wizard.


Fire faerie quest: Plain Black Sunglasses thanks :)


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Dark Red Lipstick: 285np http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=jayess68&buy_obj_info_id=150&buy_cost_neopoints=285


Eyrie Punching Bag: Nothing on SW, found on TP for 30k

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With prices inflating I'm almost scared to ask...but alas I will! A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Sun Hat!" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!" Thanks everyone!!



And for the Fire jug:



Hope you get the quest finished! :D

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