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Faerie Quest Help


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An Eyrie Sweater, please? I tried going to Unis clothing shop and amazingly enough, they didn't have it now. (They did have three expensive species items which disappeared before I could buy them *sigh* )

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Hurray, someone who can help! Please find me Cool Mint Toothpaste! pretty please :guiltysmiley:


Sorry, but this is the cheapest I could find after some searches

vipre_4 Cool Mint Toothpaste 18 9,298 NP




can someone find me a good deal on Shoonee, its for the air faerie. please and thank you! :]


son_of_samsardam Shoonee 2 2,640 NP

sleepy333 Shoonee 1 2,800 NP




i need The Ixi Ghost Legend for the water faerie

please and thank you~


Sorry, but this is the cheapest I could find after some searches

blondiebonnie The Ixi Ghost Legend 1 8,450 NP




Can someone help me find a Draik Puzzle for the Dark Faerie?


Wow, these are all pretty expensive and this is by far the cheapest one I could find

erety Draik Puzzle 1 12,415 NP



Hey there, I'm looking for 'Desert Flower' trading card for the Light Faerie. Can anyone help me out?!


This one's a good deal!

starman10101 Desert Flower 4 1,111 NP

felipefox_7 Desert Flower 6 1,190 NP

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Thanks so much buzzarecool ---I totally appreciate it! The light faerie increased my level for your trouble! :-)


I'm finding 'Bad Apples' here: sodapop450

and here: schnickels

good luck!~



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I decided to buy it in the end

For your efforts, RanshaoRyu's health has increased!

It increased from 9 to 11.


can anyone help me to find Meerca Gnome-in-the-box? Thanks very much!

erety Meerca Gnome-in-the-box 1 3,025 NP

mystichazel1 Meerca Gnome-in-the-box 1 3,790 NP

jjffp Meerca Gnome-in-the-box 1 4,000 NP


A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Jewelled Collar!" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!"

(I'm not cheating or anything. The previous quest was one I got a few days ago, and I did do it until now.)

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Jewelled Collar (457 np, 12 in stock) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ur_drago&buy_obj_info_id=66&buy_cost_neopoints=475


Jewelled Collar (500 np, 2 in stock) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=unicorn2512_4&buy_obj_info_id=66&buy_cost_neopoints=500


Nova (3k np, 85 in stock) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=dragonslayer1990&buy_obj_info_id=9075&buy_cost_neopoints=3000




Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Gargoyle Troop, kind Neopian."

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