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I suddenly have this very random problem where moltara wont load, I just get a white screen. It's different from when my web page wont load. Any idea how to fix this?

47 minutes ago, Nielo said:

Is it just Moltara, or are other lands/places/games giving you trouble as well? Have you tried other browsers?

Only moltara, and yeah in every browser

19 minutes ago, UMaxii said:

Only moltara, and yeah in every browser

That's very odd. You could try to see if clicking the link gives any errors on Neopets' side by right-clicking and choosing 'inspect element' (or just hit the F12 button) right before you click on Moltara. If there are any errors, they should either show up on the 'Console' tab of the inspection page, or on the 'Network' tab. (They'll be in red.)


The tab currently open in this screenshot is the network tab. You can see most of them have '200' as their status (far left), which is good. If it's 400 or 500, there's an error. The console tab will show other kinds of error messages.

(I'm not sure if this'll turn out to be an error on Neopets' side though, since it's working just fine for me, but right now I can't think of any computer errors/settings that would only affect Moltara, and which would do so across all browsers.)


Hmm. It sounds as if you have a Adobe Flash issue. Both Moltara City and Moltara Caves are Flashed based. Can you see the Map of Neopia? Do the Flash games load, or do they just show a "grey" box, where the game should be? Chrome has Flash "built-in", but Chrome disables, by default, Flash items from playing. You have to enable Flash for Neopets (or any Flash based website, for that matter) within Chrome. Edge gets Flash updates from Windows Update. As with Chrome, Flash is disabled, by default. If you use Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, or Safari, you have to download Flash for each browser, and have to enable Flash for Neopets, within each one. If you post which browser you mainly use, I can post how to check if Flash is enabled. If you already knew this and checked that Flash is enabled, my apologies. Also, if Neopets is "laggy" (and it seems it might have been laggy earlier today), sometimes the pages don't fully load or load, at all.

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