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I have a friend who's been cyber bullied since I met her a year ago, probably longer. I've done what I can to be there for her, and so far all the drama has been contained to one website (vk). But now the drama is starting to spill over onto other social media sites and I'm so angry I seriously can't take it. I'm shaking and time feels like it's going slower. I know there isn't really anything I can do to stop the bullies, especially since I don't know any other them in real life. And there isn't much I can do for my friend besides check up on her and make sure she's ok. I feel so helpless, I don't know what to do. Or what to do with my anger. 


I am so sorry to hear that and wish I had advice! You are a great friend to care so much and I think just being there is the best thing. I don't know much about this topic as neo and TDN are my only online activities, but I think sometimes if people have enough information they can go to the authorities? I'm not sure if you guys would feel comfortable with that but perhaps it is an option?


I don't know much about Cyber bullying as the internet was not around when I was growing up.  We dealt with more of the physical bullying.  How old is your friend?  Is he/she in high school or older?  Is it a situation where they can stay off of social media for a little bit until the situation dies down?  I mean, if the person has to deal with these people in school or work as well as on the internet, it is harder to ignore them, but if it is JUST the internet, I would lay low for a little bit, then change my user name, and that SHOULD work.  What is the reason for the bullying?  Does it have to do with the content this person posts?  


The situation is so complicated :/ My friend is 20, so she's out of high school, but the people bullying her are younger than her, so they're still pretty immature. She only knows them through the internet, and she has tried staying off of that website for a while, but she is very confrontational and ended up reactivating her account. I don't think she tries to piss people off, but these people provoke her a lot and she falls for it and ends up being nasty to people. She also keeps trying to talk to these people, which usually ends with her getting mad and cursing people out. I think she has some issues that make it really difficult for her to let these things go (I don't say that in a judging way at all). I really wish she'd just deactivate that account :/ But it wouldn't really matter at this point, because the bullies are starting to get at her through other means as well, namely youtube. While all this drama was contained to vk, it was at least kind of private. But now that they're starting to bully her on youtube, it's getting way harder to just ignore, even if she did leave vk again. The good news is the video they posted about her has gotten more dislikes than likes and hasn't been seen by a lot of people, so maybe they'll just give up. As for the authorities, I think that would be too complicated. My friend lives in Italy, and the people bullying her live all around the world.


Edit: I just checked back an the youtube video has been removed. Thank goodness.


I don't know much about it either, but I also wanted to say I'm sorry your friend is dealing with this and understand you wanting to help her. I was wondering if maybe she could block these people, or ignore posts they make and she could delete posts they make if it's her post. I'm sure it can be more complicated. I also don't go on social media sites and when I did I was very private. The only friends I have are people I either know personally or that I established I could trust them from talking on other sites, for example a message board. I'm really sorry I can't be much help and I feel bad for your friend and that you are so upset about it. It would be nice if people just didn't bully, but of course that is unfortunately not the case and it is sometimes worse because they think they can get away with it more easily. I think there's gotta be something that can be done, to report them or somehow stop them from having that control and being able to continue what they are doing. Good luck to you and your friend and both of you take care!

Edit: Sorry, I posted this before seeing you'd explained more. I hope she will be able to find a way to ignore them, or make it less likely that they will want to  say things. 

In any case, good to know the video was taken down.

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