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I decided to start the Altador plot and I'm already stuck on the first constellation. I have the constellation finder open but I'm not really sure how to control the telescope to find each star nor am I sure which stars I'm looking for. Is it the sleeper coordinates I should be looking at? As well, the add star button won't work for me. 


Yes, The Sleeper Constellation is the first one you are looking for. Did you use TDN's Constellation Finder, to find the coordinates of your Sleeper Constellation? (http://thedailyneopets.com/altador-plot/constellation-finder/). Using that will make it much easier to find the Sleeper, or any constellation, as it gives you the coordinates of each star of the constellation. To "move" the telescope, just click inside of the telescope. If you keep clicking, it will move more and more. The limits are (-1000, 1000), (1000, 1000), (1000, -1000), and (-1000, -1000), so if you keep clicking, but it isn't moving, most likely you have reached a limit. If you click up, near the top of the telescope "window", you should go up. If you click down, near the bottom of the telescope "window", it should go down. Likewise, with clicking to the left or right. The "thing" on the bottom, right of the telescope shows what coordinate area you are in, when you click inside. Note the red lines in the telescope make 4 quadrants. So, clicking in the one of the quadrants will move the telescope in that direction. Placing your cursor over/on a star will show that stars coordinates. If, for example, your cursor is on a star with the coordinate 10, -73, but you are looking for a star with a coordinate of -100, -278, then you know you need to click left, and go down (third quadrant), until you find that coordinate. It does take some searching to find the first constellation, but as you go along, it gets easier. The more constellations you find, the less stars you have left to search for. If the "Add Star" doesn't work, go back to the Archivist (http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.phtml?archivist=1), and then try again. You must click on "Add Star", then click on the star you are wanting to add. If you skipped any of the steps, up to that point, and it doesn't work, going back and trying everything may help.

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