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Help With Guild Polls


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So I recently started a guild and have been working on coding day in and day out. I'm a little be pooped out and my brain isn't finding simple fixes at the moment. I'm trying to figure out why the "poll" options aren't showing up on the Guild HQ page. The link to that is here ----> http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176228


My current coding is this;  


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<a href="/myaccount.phtml">account</a> <a href="/customise/">customise</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">games</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">explore</a> <a href="/nf.phtml">news</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">boards</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">shops</a> <a href="/mall/index.phtml">nc mall</a> 

<div id="text" style="position: absolute;">
<div style="z-index:2;position:absolute;top:0px;left:550px;width:148px;text-align:center;">
<h1><font id="ht"><b>Navigation</b></font></h1>
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=rockangel_star">Donation Shop</a><br>
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~asuna_chan777">Guild Info</a><br>
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~kiyokosilla">Wishes Granted</a><br>
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~Illusen_the_Sh_6_6_6r">FAQ</a><br>
<h1><font id="ht"><b>Resources</b></font></h1>
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~roberta_enchantress">Member Wishlist's</a><br>
<a href="http://items.jellyneo.net/wishlists/sign-up/">Create a Wishlist</a><br>
<h1><font id="ht"><b>Member of the Month</b></font></h1>
Coming soon!

<div id="textbox">
<h1><center>Welcome to The Kindness Project</center></h1>
We here at the TKP are dedicated to spreading joy all over Neopia! The idea of our guild was created between 2 people when we were sharing our visions of helping other neopet players achieve their dreams. We have always found extreme joy in bringing happiness to others and we figured a guild could help us to do this so much more effectively. 
What we seek out to do is to monthly grant 1 large wish and several small wishes for randomly chosen Neopian's. 
<h3><b>Links and More!</b></h3>
All resources such as TKP Ranks, requests, and more can be found under Navigation and clicking Guild Info!
<h1><center>Request Items and Dream Pets</center></h1>
TKP is always taking requests! Don't be shy! Request that Dream Pet or Item you've been longing to get. More info can be found under Navigation by clicking Guild Info!
<h1><center>Donation Shop</center></h1>
TKP is ran by hardworking individuals who use our own resources and earnings over the years to  give to others. If you would like to help toward this cause you can find a link to the Donation Shop under Navigation to buy items in our shop!

<div id="textbox">
<h3><b>Dec 20th, 2016</b></h3>
TKP is happy to announce that our Member Wishlist's page is now up! You can access it under Resources. We would also like to welcome our new members; <b>Acmerasta2, xxdecemberzchildxx, Wheresfluffy_92, Peacock441, Irdalin, Femininegent, and Cakeprince</b>! We also have hit 25 members! Good job everyone!

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I don't do guild coding, but from first glance, try removing the quotes in your poll question and see if that helps. Other than that I have no idea.

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I figured out why it wasn't displaying but ran into another problem, found a solution though! Thanks for the effort Mouseykins :)

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Glad you got it figured out, sometimes a break is needed when you're coding for too long. :)

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Glad you got it figured out, sometimes a break is needed when you're coding for too long. :)


That's for sure! I feel like the lines and words start to run together! LOL

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