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I just received the following random event while refreshing to feed kads:


"The Faerie Queen smiles as she flutters by you. She hands you a small ticket that reads: "Good for 10% off any one item in the Hidden Tower". Shopping trip!"

The Faerie Queen smiles as she flutters by you. She hands you a small ticket that reads: "Good for 10% off any one item in the Hidden Tower". Shopping trip!


I can't find anyone else talking about it online.... has anyone else seen this? Will it expire? I'm wondering if I should go ahead and but the book for HT RIchest earlier than I planned?


EDIT: I went to the Hidden Tower and the following appeared:


These magical artifacts are centuries old!

I see that you qualify for a discount!


I have 11.5 mil, and wanted to save up a bit more before buying the book. I'm also working toward several other avatars at the same time, so I'm wary about dropping (now) 9 mil on just one. It doesn't say anything about an expiration, so there must not be one? I know there's a discount on the third Wednesday of every month as well, right?


I've gotten this before, it's definitely not common, but not super rare either.  It never expires (I'm 90% sure lol), and does not stack with the Wednesday discount.


Congrats on it though, always nice when you get an expensive avatar cheaper than expected :P


I've gotten it twice, it's one of my favorite RE's.  I don't think it expires either.  Congratulations!!


The discount doesn't expire until you use it. You also CANNOT combine it with the 3% off discount on the third Wednesday of the month. Congrats!

I used mine on the 10mill book as well and I got my RE shortly after they were changed and just used it maybe 6 months ago or so.


Since it doesn't expire, you can save up more np if you want and use the discount at any time. Too bad you can't use the 3% discount along with it, it's like the grocery coupons that say "cannot be combined with any other coupons or offers", haha. Still, 10%, awesome deal!

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