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I bought a meowclops to get the avatar with the plan to just resell it (this was before I discovered TDN's avatar lending program, which has saved me from so much more hassle) but I got no offers in np and eventually accepted a trade for another item. So now I have a problem that no one will offer me pure np for my HTS stuff - just more HTS sell stuff. I have traded a few times but always just for more HTS items. I tried both leaving it on the trading post and putting it up for auction every day. I tried posting on the auction/trade neoboard for the first time ever tonight but that place kind of scares me. No one replied anyways.


I'm not so much concerned with getting a good price as just not having to deal with this anymore. My bank account has felt so much emptier minus the 5 million np I spent on that meowclops. I mainly just want at least that back even though the item I currently have is technically worth a lot more.


So is it necessary to advertise trades/auctions on the neoboards for anyone to notice? Am I stuck just waiting? Should I put it in the auctions for much less than it is worth and hope somebody snipes it?


That's a tough one. I guess it really matters how patient you want to be or if you just want rid of the items. Usually HTC items will be bought buy collectors for less than it's "worth". There is a board here in TDN Forums "Looking to Advertise an Item to Buy or Sell?" that is very useful as well. Good luck!




I lurk on the gallery boards when I have a HTS. When I find a collector that relevant my item, I send them a NM with an offer. Works most of the time :)

There's a gallery board?  Wow.  Who knew.  I have to say that I avoid the neoboards like the plague.  I never know what anyone's talking about (there seems to be a lot of board slang or shorthand that I just don't get) and when I have ventured to post I get few, if any, replies.  Maybe I should perservere.


I don't have a lot of experience with HTS items.  I have a habit of burying stuff back in my SDB and intending to try again at a later time and then not getting around to it.  *shrugs* Story of my life.


I bought a meowclops to get the avatar with the plan to just resell it (this was before I discovered TDN's avatar lending program, which has saved me from so much more hassle) but I got no offers in np and eventually accepted a trade for another item. So now I have a problem that no one will offer me pure np for my HTS stuff - just more HTS sell stuff. I have traded a few times but always just for more HTS items. I tried both leaving it on the trading post and putting it up for auction every day. I tried posting on the auction/trade neoboard for the first time ever tonight but that place kind of scares me. No one replied anyways.


I'm not so much concerned with getting a good price as just not having to deal with this anymore. My bank account has felt so much emptier minus the 5 million np I spent on that meowclops. I mainly just want at least that back even though the item I currently have is technically worth a lot more.


So is it necessary to advertise trades/auctions on the neoboards for anyone to notice? Am I stuck just waiting? Should I put it in the auctions for much less than it is worth and hope somebody snipes it?

What is the item?  I wish I had known about the meowclops! :sad01_anim:   I would have bought that for the 5 mil as I need the avatar and would have liked to have had the meowclops period!  We would have both been happy, no harm no foul.  Did you post it here?  Oh well, that is water under the bridge now.  What is the HTS item you have now?


I didn't know there was a gallery neoboard. Thanks for the idea.



What is the item?  I wish I had known about the meowclops! :sad01_anim:   I would have bought that for the 5 mil as I need the avatar and would have liked to have had the meowclops period!  We would have both been happy, no harm no foul.  Did you post it here?  Oh well, that is water under the bridge now.  What is the HTS item you have now?

That is too bad. I should have been more patient with the meowclops since there will always be people looking to buy it for the avatar. I didn't post it here, or anywhere because I tend to avoid posting in chat rooms out of shyness. The neopets boards are particularly intimidating because, as nicolelouise mentioned everybody seems to all know things and use language that I have no idea about.


The HTS I have now is a Jahbal Plushie. I feel like I should try to get more than just the 5 mil from that since it is valued at 15 mil. I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be a good price to ask for it though. I've been lurking around the auction/trade neoboard today and noticed people keep mentioning "reseller prices". I assume those are lower so that the reseller can make a profit but no one ever says how much lower than the value resellers buy for. Anyone have any idea?


I didn't know there was a gallery neoboard. Thanks for the idea.



That is too bad. I should have been more patient with the meowclops since there will always be people looking to buy it for the avatar. I didn't post it here, or anywhere because I tend to avoid posting in chat rooms out of shyness. The neopets boards are particularly intimidating because, as nicolelouise mentioned everybody seems to all know things and use language that I have no idea about.


The HTS I have now is a Jahbal Plushie. I feel like I should try to get more than just the 5 mil from that since it is valued at 15 mil. I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be a good price to ask for it though. I've been lurking around the auction/trade neoboard today and noticed people keep mentioning "reseller prices". I assume those are lower so that the reseller can make a profit but no one ever says how much lower than the value resellers buy for. Anyone have any idea?

Yes, I feel the same way on those boards too.  I don't understand most of the language used.  But most of the time I just ask, "what does XYZ mean?" and they tell me.  Usually.  You get your jerks who will say something stupid, but it is only words, and I don't care.  I am more worried about getting the correct price for my item than what someone thinks of me because I don't know what their lingo means.  lol.  I am not really into plushies at all, sorry.  You may want to find someone who has a plushie gallery or something.  15mil is a lot to spend on a plushie.  It is ALWAYS worth posting on here.  I bought something Angelo posted on here before.  I would have never known he was selling it otherwise.  It was neoquest related and I HAD to have it.  LOL.  I was soooooooo happy he posted here because I just had to have it.  I soooooo would have bought your meowclops.  Please, from now on, post on here.  Not saying people will ALWAYS buy it, but you never know til you try.  Right?  lol. 


Yes, I feel the same way on those boards too.  I don't understand most of the language used.  But most of the time I just ask, "what does XYZ mean?" and they tell me.  Usually.  You get your jerks who will say something stupid, but it is only words, and I don't care.  I am more worried about getting the correct price for my item than what someone thinks of me because I don't know what their lingo means.  lol.  I am not really into plushies at all, sorry.  You may want to find someone who has a plushie gallery or something.  15mil is a lot to spend on a plushie.  It is ALWAYS worth posting on here.  I bought something Angelo posted on here before.  I would have never known he was selling it otherwise.  It was neoquest related and I HAD to have it.  LOL.  I was soooooooo happy he posted here because I just had to have it.  I soooooo would have bought your meowclops.  Please, from now on, post on here.  Not saying people will ALWAYS buy it, but you never know til you try.  Right?  lol. 


I don't think I had made my tdn account when I sold the meowclops, but I will definitely remember that for next time I have something I'm trying to sell. I have trouble dealing with people saying mean things to me, which I think is why I'm scared to talk to strangers on the internet, even on neopets. I have a few videos on youtube and people on there can be extremely rude. tbh I only started posting on these forums because it is a requirement for the tdn pet lending program, but I was really pleasantly surprised at how nice everyone on these boards has been to me.


Anyways, I sold the plushie. I got 5.5M for it. Maybe I could have gotten more, but at least I got back my original investment (plus a bit) and don't have to deal with trying to sell it anymore. And at least the collector I sold it to was happy to get a good deal for it.


I figure, I go on neopets to relax and have fun, not to deal with bargaining and stuff like that that I hate doing.


I don't think I had made my tdn account when I sold the meowclops, but I will definitely remember that for next time I have something I'm trying to sell. I have trouble dealing with people saying mean things to me, which I think is why I'm scared to talk to strangers on the internet, even on neopets. I have a few videos on youtube and people on there can be extremely rude. tbh I only started posting on these forums because it is a requirement for the tdn pet lending program, but I was really pleasantly surprised at how nice everyone on these boards has been to me.


Anyways, I sold the plushie. I got 5.5M for it. Maybe I could have gotten more, but at least I got back my original investment (plus a bit) and don't have to deal with trying to sell it anymore. And at least the collector I sold it to was happy to get a good deal for it.


I figure, I go on neopets to relax and have fun, not to deal with bargaining and stuff like that that I hate doing.

That's great!!! Congrats!  Yes, I find the people here at TDN and jellyneo are wonderful.  People on the neoboards are not so nice.  IDK if it is because they are so young, or what it is.  I had one person literally tell me that I was a stupid idiot.  I reported him.  I don't know what ever became of that.  That is against the rules.  If you have nothing positive to add to the conversation, then don't say anything.  People here are not like that at all.  I am not saying that things don't get misconstrued or taken out of context here, because they do.  But that is usually exactly what it is, a misunderstanding.  That can happen at times when you can't see facial expressions.  You can't tell when people are just joking around, etc.  But people here have a great sense of humor and are here to relax, have fun, and help people.  And at the end of the day, that is what matters.  Glad you made a small profit on your item.  That is what matters too. :rock:

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